Corbin Smuggler Rain Proof--NOT

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May 16, 2006
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Hey Guys,

My Smuggler came today and as soon as I unpacked it I suspected there's NO WAY I could store my cell phone, digital cam or anything I didn't want to get soaked if I got caught in a heavy down pour. It rains a lot in Houston so this is a problem.

I first noticed that I could press down on the corners of the lid and it seemed that it would move about a 1/16 in. I layered the inside with paper towels and sprayed some water on top in the shower and sure enough the inside was drenched. Piss me off!!!

So I call Corbin and the guy tells me to adjust the lock catch to see if this helps. (I should have to do this after giving them $700?) It didn't so he told me he would call me Mon. morning to set up a return pickup. (Apparently he had to get to happy hour since he couldn't do it today-I called at 2:30)

Also, the gaps around the cover are not uniform-(one side looks kinda jagged) I would have thought they were cast from a mold to lessen any noticeble gap intolerances. The hinge is rather flimsey too. I'll tell you, the only positive thing I can say is the paint job is great.

If I had inspected it prior to purchasing there's no way in hell that I would pay $700 for this!


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I've never put the hose on my Smuggler but it has been in some rain and I've never gotten any water in it.... I'll have to try the hose test. The lid on mine fits pretty firmly against the seal so I would expect it to shed water pretty good. Did you look at the hinge and see if it can be adjusted to pull the hinge side down tighter??

I looked at the flimsey hinge and don't see how an adjustment would make a difference.

Jestal, looking at your smuggler from above does the gaps between the cover and body look uniform? You should see mine, I've got major gap intolerances. I thought about putting some weather stripping on the outer underside edge of the lid but I'm not gonna do it. This is Corbins problem!

The absence of build quality which is very obvious is unacceptable at the price they sell it for. I think a 7th grade industrial arts student could have done a better job.

Don't like it? Send it back for a refund. Seems like Corbin's not giving you much support, so if you're not willing to make the needed mods to make it "waterproof", then just return it. Since it resides behind you while you're moving (or even stopped) I doubt it would ever allow enough moisture in to damage your cellphone, etc. Chill brother, it's all good....... B)

The cover on Smuggler fits pretty good. Gaps are even and very narrow. I was actually surprised at how will it was formed and put together. With any part like this there is a lot of hand work so I suspect the craftsmanship of the individual finishing and trimming the parts has a lot to do with how it turns out....not that that should matter for what they charge. You can see a bit of a picture of mine here and the gaps look pretty even and small

Hopefully Corbin can effect a cure on yours.....

Hey Guys,
My Smuggler came today and as soon as I unpacked it I suspected there's NO WAY I could store my cell phone, digital cam or anything I didn't want to get soaked if I got caught in a heavy down pour. It rains a lot in Houston so this is a problem.

I first noticed that I could press down on the corners of the lid and it seemed that it would move about a 1/16 in. I layered the inside with paper towels and sprayed some water on top in the shower and sure enough the inside was drenched. Piss me off!!!

So I call Corbin and the guy tells me to adjust the lock catch to see if this helps. (I should have to do this after giving them $700) It didn't so he told me he would call me Mon. morning to set up a return pickup. (Apparently he had to get to happy hour since he couldn't do it today-I called at 2:30)

Also, the gaps around the cover are not uniform-(one side looks kinda jagged) I would have thought they were cast from a mold to lessen any noticeble gap intolerances. The hinge is rather flimsey too. I'll tell you, the only positive thing I can say is the paint job is great.

If I had inspected it prior to purchasing there's no way in hell that I would pay $700 for this!

Well, I was just out in the garage tonight working on the FJR and thinking to myself, "I think I'll go ahead and order that smuggler trunk - treat myself!"

I'm glad I read this prior. I won't be, now.

Thank you.

Hey Guys,

My Smuggler came today and as soon as I unpacked it I suspected there's NO WAY I could store my cell phone, digital cam or anything I didn't want to get soaked if I got caught in a heavy down pour. It rains a lot in Houston so this is a problem.

I first noticed that I could press down on the corners of the lid and it seemed that it would move about a 1/16 in. I layered the inside with paper towels and sprayed some water on top in the shower and sure enough the inside was drenched. Piss me off!!!

So I call Corbin and the guy tells me to adjust the lock catch to see if this helps. (I should have to do this after giving them $700) It didn't so he told me he would call me Mon. morning to set up a return pickup. (Apparently he had to get to happy hour since he couldn't do it today-I called at 2:30)

Also, the gaps around the cover are not uniform-(one side looks kinda jagged) I would have thought they were cast from a mold to lessen any noticeble gap intolerances. The hinge is rather flimsey too. I'll tell you, the only positive thing I can say is the paint job is great.

If I had inspected it prior to purchasing there's no way in hell that I would pay $700 for this!

Well, I was just out in the garage tonight working on the FJR and thinking to myself, "I think I'll go ahead and order that smuggler trunk - treat myself!"

I'm glad I read this prior. I won't be, now.

Thank you.
I live in East Texas and my Smuggler with my digital camera, wallet, and cell phone have been through many down pours and the Smuggler has always kept my things dry.

I would recommend sending yours back (at their expense) and let them fix it / give you a new one.

Best Regards,


I'm sorry, I guess I've been reading "How to search the forum" to much

Here you go





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Closed = looks nice and looks very practical.

Open = looks like a stretched accordian bolted to a nutsack. Ewwwww.

Closed = looks nice and looks very practical.
Open = looks like a stretched accordian bolted to a nutsack. Ewwwww.
It is an accordian middle. its about 85 % up in that photo. It goes up or down as needed for the current "load".

Its rated at 60 liter capacity and will hold a lot of crap. In the up position in the photo, only very mild turbulance at 85 mph. great backrest for 2 up.


No offense, but I would think some kid was pretty pissed when he went to leave for school in his 72 Nova.

I just did the high pressure hose test on the Smuggler.

Going all around the cover 3" away from the seam for 2 minutes.

Result: It's all wet inside with a puddle at the bottom.


BTW, also rode thru a Florida Torrential downpour on I-4 a couple weeks ago.

Most of the bikers took shelter under bridges - I kept going.

Result: 1/2 teaspoon of water on the bottom.

Everything else: Soaked

It's still a keeper! :clapping:

Tip: Zip-lock bags

Hey fjrod, Corbin needs customers like you. When a problem arises it is people like you that are unsatisfied

that have a quality control issue with their product. with you reporting it and working with Corbin I am sure they will resolve your problem to your satisfaction. Just remember everything takes time and may not be done to your schedule. But at least your problem will help Corbin from making the same mistakes and your problem will be resolved to your satisfaction, and a better product will be available from them in the near future.

I do not have any intrest or gain anything from Corbin this is my disclaimer

I personally see a need for a design change only minor to make that snuggler water proof.

The snuggler is a very handsome farkle to add to any bike good luck and exerxise patience

weekend rider :D
