Cough, sputter...........advise?

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Well-known member
Mar 13, 2009
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Albany, NY
Hi Guys, I need a little help.

I'm on day 15 of a 45 day cross country ride. Doing well so far, but an issued has arisen.

Background: 2013 w/ 30,000+ miles. Just had a full service at 24,000. Fluids, filters, TB sync, plugs, etc. Before the service, the bike would cough then hesitate a second and then pull real hard. After the service it seemed to go away. Bike ran great all the way across the country, and now it is starting to act up again. I cannot get it to reproduce the symptoms when I want to. It appears to happen when I am trying to hold a steady speed (in town at 35 or on the highway at 65). It doesn't seem to happen above 70. Not at a specific RPM. Yesterday after leaving FJRay's house (got my Rubin Run Shirt a week late), it started happening at launch. It got real bad, but it doesn't happen while accelerating. It happens both if I am controlling the throttle or of I'm on cruise control.

Now the weird part...... I had been running the bike in Touring mode for the whole trip. For some reason, I switched it to Sport mode and the problem went away. I have not put it back in Touring mode, so I don't know if it will reappear.

Also, no check engine light has come on.

Any thoughts?

I'm in northern California if anyone knows a good dealer.


Hi Stevec;

I'm wondering about something as simple as a fuel line filter (?). I'm pretty sure a car we used to have had that behaviour; coughing then suddenly being able to accelerate - but the problem coming back until we decided to replace the fuel filter. Your 2013 has even more electronic sensor dependence than my old Gen 1, but I as you didn't mention this filter, I think it wise to rule that out right away.

Good luck!


When I had the service done, I was told there was no serviceable fuel filter. Does anyone know the answer?

Are you dead set against checking on this a bit yourself? This could be something as simple and stupid as a vacuum leak. You can run the bike with the take upright, then mist some starting fluid around the intake boots and vacuum hoses to see if you can get the idle to blip, indicating a vacuum leak.

I would also (with the bike off) unplug, then plug back in the throttle sensor and accelerator sensor. If you don't have a vacuum leak, my bet on a bike this new with reasonable mileage on it is a sensor that isn't doing it's job, but not so badly that a code will pop up. Your indication that touring mode solves the problem strongly points towards a sensor issue.

If you're feeling super resourceful, find someone near you with a Gen3 bike who may be willing to swap sensors with you to help narrow things down.

Audiowise, I'm a few thousand miles from home and probably wouldn't feel comfortable doing this at home and definitely not on the road. I'm leaning toward your suggestion of a bad sensor. The bike is running and I can keep moving. I'm going to need tires in about 1,000 miles so I will start looking for a dealer that can check out the sensors and change the tires. I'm a little confused as to why the sensor would act up in one mode and not in the other.

Something simple to check battery cables put a wrench on them to check had a similar issue onc.

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Which way is your 1000 miles taking you from Northern CA?

Skagit Power Sports in Burlington WA is a dealer you might consider if you are traveling north.

Call them and let them know what tires you want and about your symptoms.

Good luck with your journey


It would seem that switching back and forth between sport and touring should be done many times to see if the symptom can be duplicated in T mode. Don't know what else may be involved beside the switch and ECU that controls the mode but a tech would have something more to go on.

I'd check those battery connections first. If they're tight,you're going to have to start going down the list of things these guys have posted on. Since it's a 13, I'm thinking it's something stupid that's easily fixed.

I'll take fuel filter or contaminants in the fuel system for a thousand, Alex. Statistically speaking, it's more likely to be electrical. That's why it took a month and about 500 bucks to before they exhausted electric testing and found the issue was fuel and not electrical on my last bike.

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Fuel filter is integral with the fuel pump, so not easily serviced. I'd think little contaminants in a new bike, but stranger things have happened. Symptoms may indeed be due to a sensor (switching modes changes parameters), however, you may have had water in the fuel, similar symptoms. I'd say switch modes to see if you can duplicate or not, then treat fuel with some Seafoam, see if it can be duplicated after that also. If it all goes away (or has gone away after a couple of tanks of fresh fuel), then water may have been the issue. If it doesn't then need to diagnose further.

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The stutter holding constant speed sounds very similar to the issue I had with a relay. However, I had another symptom of the neutral light coming on faintly when it was occurring.I don't yet have a manual for the GEN lll, so I don't know if that relay is the same. Definitely bad fuel could be the culprit, but with all the riding you have done you should have gone through the bad fuel. Be interested to know if it happens again after going back to Touring mode.Might have been a coincidence.

Difference between T & S modes is the rate at which the throttle can be opened. Maybe in sport mode, the rapid increase in fuelling masks the hesitancy. Try sport mode, but very slow throttle opening, see if the problem occurs. Might save you the cost of a new ECU when the stealer decides your symptoms point to the ECU.

Personally, I'd look to a vacuum leak, possibly after a throttle body sync during the service cracked or left off one of the rubber caps.

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Which way is your 1000 miles taking you from Northern CA?Skagit Power Sports in Burlington WA is a dealer you might consider if you are traveling north.

Call them and let them know what tires you want and about your symptoms.

Good luck with your journey

He could also make the Tech Day in Auburn, WA this Saturday :)

Stopped at a dealer in Eureca CA. Only quads, but hooked up the computer and found no codes. I have a morning appointment with a dealer in Redding CA. I hope they find something. BTW, the bike ran great over 299. Great road if you can avoid slow RV's and road construction.
