Finalizing getting the bike ready for the SS1000 (Saddle Sore) & BB1500 (Bun Burner). I leave Monday the 21st. I've installed the Clearwater Darla lights in front, and the Grip Puppies and Bar End Weights, this should really help with taking out that last bit of grip vibration. I'm getting excited and nervous. 1000+ miles from Shelton Washington to Las Vegas Nevada should be able to cover it in about 19 hours with gas stops, then sleep for 5 hours, and hit another 500+ miles into Tucson 9 hours with gas stops for a total of around 33 hours. They give me 36 hours to do it. Just need to finish organizing and packing my gear this coming weekend. Crossing my fingers for good weather, looks like it is going to rain on me the first 5 hours, then it should be nice and clear, and a bit warmer, after that.