Yes, loud pipes are annoying, and I don't think an ordinance like this is going to go away
anytime soon. It IS, probably, a growing trend in the city.
My wife and I go to an outside upscale mall once in a while (no, we're not upscale,
but there's a couple of restaurants we like to eat at there, but I digress...) there's nothing,
and I mean NOTHING more irritating than having the Hardley crowd going through the
main drag, blipping their throttles, looking for atttention to make up for whatever deficiencies
exist in their personalities.
We can't maintain a conversation when these hooligans ride through. The mall is one of those
outside deals where you have retail space on the bottom and residential on top, so it creates a
type of 'canyon' where everything echoes because the sound is bouncing off everything.
The other noise polluter I find annoying are the little two-stroke engines mounted on those scooters
the kids are driving. 30-35 mph top speed, and the faster the speed, the higher the pitch of the engine.
No mini-bike I ever had was NEARLY as loud as one of those suckers.
Is a little peace and quiet too much to ask? I mean, SHEESH!!!! (rant over)