Saturday was a weird weather day, but decent turnout for the second Open House for Desert Valley Powersports. Can you spot the '08 in the picture? (hint: the rear bag is by a coffee cup)
That and I figured out how to use my camera and get a few decent pictures. Justin Homan and his riders are just phenomenal!
This is just a lucky shot
This one you just have to trust me is the first part of a back flip
Fully tweaked it looks like the bike is going to go land sideways...
They wait until the last fraction of a second to get back on the bike...
After the hail storm things dried up a bit for the final act.
Not a gnarly jump, but a full day of weather
One of my favorites
More pictures are here.
That and I figured out how to use my camera and get a few decent pictures. Justin Homan and his riders are just phenomenal!
This is just a lucky shot
This one you just have to trust me is the first part of a back flip
Fully tweaked it looks like the bike is going to go land sideways...
They wait until the last fraction of a second to get back on the bike...
After the hail storm things dried up a bit for the final act.
Not a gnarly jump, but a full day of weather
One of my favorites
More pictures are here.
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