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I decided to try and finally get an IBR certification.My age is beginning to show some limitations with some of the ten foot tall and bullet proof things I did in my twenties.I got my spouses blessing to follow one of her co workers to KC from Garland.I had the perfect machine and route locking me into a BBG!He said he had never ridden his bike that far and would enjoy the company!My past experience with distance riding has always made me put a premium on speed in the early hours of any ride.I read all the things the IBA wants with the timed gas fill,mapped route and other assorted details.I knew it was not going to be my day when the gas station didnt print out a timed reciept.An omen of things to come if you will.I ripped out of Garland and roared up to Mckinney without any problems with a stop at IHOP to meet up with my ride buddy.It was very cool and decided to put on my new long sleeve Nascar Dale Jr 88 shirt.I left it along with the earplugs,bottled water, Monkey Butt powder and a few other essentials back at home on my desk in the office. I am pumped though!Scott arrives and show me a different map with a statement we are riding the scenic route.Stepping outside to see what he rides is a real shock.Anyone that can ride anything 250cc or less any distance of 500 miles or greater needs the civilian congressional medal. Great machine,good fun frugal ride and a proven performer in many countries but a Vespa GT is not a missile on two wheels.I had a very enjoyable ride to and through Oklahoma,Kansas and back to Texas.Two animal strikes,One wasp sting,Gnats somehow got into my helmet buzzing my face.My last insult was an eighteen wheeler hit a dog or coyote near the OK/Kansas line splattering his guts all over me!UGH!It was like getting a bucket of fresh red paint thrown at you.I washed most of it off at a car wash outside Tulsa.I am glad the rider screen was all the way up!Now to add insult to all the FJR sounds as if the cam chain is going down too!Lots of noises and it sounds like my truck just before I had the timing chain changed.It's off to the dealership today.Guess the IBR cert can wait.
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