Didn't go to DV - But I Still Had Fun

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Miss Demeanor
FJR Supporter
Nov 19, 2007
Reaction score
Mountain View, CA
Saturday was with the SBR crew. All the pics here.

I arrived at STP at 9:45… it was a bit quiet! Very chilly up on the hill… I was wondering if anyone was going to show.


But show they did!!


Tim was so happy to be there he could hardly contain himself!


Decided to do something a little different so we headed north on Skyline to Tunitas Creek. The top section is still goaty as all get out but they’ve paved over some of the lower sections.




Lobitos Creek




Love the smell as you ride through the eucalyptus groves


Steve returns from, um, admiring the foliage


Geoff and Gim


Purissima Rd.




Lotsa yellow and proof I was actually on the ride!



Lunch at Cameron’s in HMB


Tim was misbehaving so I sent him to the stocks for a time out.



We didn’t partake in any beer but they sure do have lots of choices!


Onward to Stage Rd. – can you see it snaking around on the hills over yonder?



A canopy of eucalyptus trees covers the road


Pescadero Rd.




Back to STP for a break… interesting set up on this RS!


Headed south on Skyline to Page Mill where Geoff graciously let me take the Duke out for a few twists and turns… that bike has quite a vibration!! Hee hee… and it’s a fricking hoot to ride as well… had me giggling like a school girl!!!



Another great day out on the roads we are blessed to call our backyard… thanks to all who came out and kept me company (Tim, I hope your hands have thawed out by now! ;)


Sunday was the first ride of the season with the ladies group that I lead, Dangerous Curves. All the pics here.


Our first ride was blessed by the weather gods… it was a beautiful day!! We started off with breakfast at a new restaurant called Scrambl’z which proved to be way more popular than I anticipated (note to self – call and make a reservation next time!). We had to wait for about 40 minutes but they seated us just in time before the crowd started gnawing on my arm! Food was very good so worth the wait! We were joined by Kristie and Don after breakfast for the ride.


Julie on her beautiful new Aprilia Shiver


Cool airbrush work on Kristie’s bike


Lydia had had a little mishap in her garage (bike decided to take a nap) so Gregory, being the gentleman that he is, scooted over to her house to help get it back upright so she could join the ride. Proof that Gregory actually does attend group rides:


So we chit chatted in the parking lot while we waited and got caught up on all the latest in each other’s lives.


When I first woke up that morning, it was looking like it might shower a bit but the day turned out to be quite lovely, even a little bit warm toward the afternoon. The roads were clean, blue skies and fluffy white clouds, and a smile on our faces, we headed out to McKean/Uvas Rd.


It was good to see Uvas Reservoir filled with water again! Last time I was there a few weeks ago, this was all dirt!


A quick bio break at Uvas Reservoir and then we continued our journey onto Sycamore Rd.


Group on Oak Glen – so nice to see so much green!


Llagas Rd.


Pink blossoms


Willow Springs – some absolutely stunning countryside!



I love the way the road looks like it goes right into the sky!


Group at Calero Reservoir


Ladies only!


This was Lydia’s first group ride – we were honored she experienced it with us!


Laura couldn’t resist a feel of Mark’s buzz cut… nice puppy!!


A few folks headed off for home but we decided to keep going to Hicks Rd. (I promised Julie I wouldn’t slow down too much to take my over-the-shoulder shots!)



I have been counseled by mentors to stay right on the backroads… following behind this vehicle just reminds me of why it is a good idea… and this wasn’t even as far over the line as he was going!! Can you imagine coming around that turn and finding half of it filled?? Yikes!!


Shannon Rd.


We finally stopped in Los Gatos for gas and a quick break before we all had to hit the road for home. I think we called it just in time as the clouds were looking ominous on the way!


Great way to start the DC season – thanks to all who joined us and I look forward to sharing many more (s)miles with y’all in the months to come!!


Tyler another great ride report. It all sounded and looked great except for the eucalyptus. I am allergic to it. If the wife brings it in the house (she no longer does) I completely block up and start coughing and cannot stop until I get away from it. Thanks for the trip.

Tyler another great ride report. It all sounded and looked great except for the eucalyptus. I am allergic to it. If the wife brings it in the house (she no longer does) I completely block up and start coughing and cannot stop until I get away from it. Thanks for the trip.
Ok... duly noted... if you ever get your butt out here to ride, I promise to steer you clear of the eucalyptus!! ;)

The Green Eyed Monster has one again found fertile grounds within my corpus. Thanks, Tyler, thanks a lot. On an unrelated note, I can never look at your avatar without smiling. I thank you for that also.

Tyler, another great ride report. It all sounded and looked great except for the ...beer. I am allergic to it. If the wife HYCLE brings it in the house (she no longer does) I completely block up and start coughing and cannot stop until I get away from it.

But all seriousness aside Tyler, if you're not sleeping, you're RIDING! Does that Trophy ever get a day off? You're an example for all of us to emulate.

That looked like a really splendid time, on some awfully nice roads.

At what kind of pace do ya'll ride? Is it a shared destination thing? I see leathers and sport bikes and crazy eyes. Are you a bunch of squids, or do you ride like old bastards Dr. Rich.

And do you always buy everybody's lunch? Because that would be good.

The photos are great. How do you get everyone to stop or cooperate?

Do I ask too many questions?

(Excellent work. ;) :D )


Those are my usual roads for ridin south and west of my house..... one of these decades, you, me , Brodie and ????? need to

play chase... pescadero , Boonie doon, ice cream flats and????? or 25 to ?????.............

Great pics and awesome roads........ :p :D


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Tyler, another great ride report. It all sounded and looked great except for the ...beer. I am allergic to it. If the wife HYCLE brings it in the house (she no longer does) I completely block up and start coughing and cannot stop until I get away from it.
Why do I find this hard to believe... on several different fronts.

Does that Trophy ever get a day off?
Only when I take the SV out but I have to be really quiet about it so Piggy doesn't get jealous...

At what kind of pace do ya'll ride? Is it a shared destination thing? I see leathers and sport bikes and crazy eyes. Are you a bunch of squids, or do you ride like old bastards Dr. Rich.
Everyone rides their own pace. ;) Some have a more spirited pace and are sent out front but we always wait at the turns for each other. We are at times squids and other times, um, more responsible riders (I like the way Dr. Rich rides... so there!). :p

The photos are great. How do you get everyone to stop or cooperate?
Threats of horrid pictures that will be posted all over the internet.

Do I ask too many questions?
Yes... :lol:

(thanks for the thumbsup... B) )

JB's just bitter. They kicked him out of the Helix forum.We're damn fortunate that Tyler has set her dignity aside,

and is willing to put up with this asylum and its inhabitants.
Why are you sucking up???? Did you do something or write something that may have gotten you in trouble?

P.S. So you don't like the way I ride... I will remember that the next time you pass me doing triple digits on some long and lonely road in Colorado. Squid!
