Draggin Cargo Pants

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Well-known member
Apr 15, 2006
Reaction score
Long Beach, CA

So the whole of idea of draggin jeans is interesting. But I'd prefer cargo pants. I do a web search and find some, but in Australia and Canada and the prices are outtrageous. The draggin jeans in the US are around $80. The ones I found in Canada are $160 something after you convert the funny money to dollars + shipping Eey! So I e-mail the seller and ask why they are so much more expensive and he says they are better. Not exactly buying his version, i e-mail the draggin jeans in the US and ask why they aren't selling Cargo pants. They respond that they don't make cargo pants, and that the draggin cargo pants aren't real.


I go back to the Canadian web site and it says all their stuff is made in Australia. So I go back to the Australian site and the cargo pants are selling for $100 + $25 to ship internationally. Now normally I'd be a cheap bastard. $45 bucks more than the draggin jeans in the US. But I was feeling especially generous with myself (it's been a tough few weeks).

I order it from australia for $100 + $25 international shipping. It gets here in 2 day via express! Good fit and finish and they include knee pads that velcro in as well.

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Are these prices you are quoting all $US or are there some $AUS and $CAN mixed in there?

I do a web search and find some, but in Australia and Canada and the prices are outtrageous. The draggin jeans in the US are around $80. The ones I found in Canada are $160 something after you convert the funny money to dollars + shipping Eey! hmmm...

Now , Now Why all the Canadian bashing here? You just said that they don't make cargo jeans in the US but then you say ... draggin jeans are $80 in the us and $160 in canada

Are we comparing apples to oranges?

The dollars are all converted to USD (is there anything else?).

Apparently Canadians don't make Cargo draggin jeans either! They have to get it from Australia ;) I used the normal Draggin jeans to compare prices. Eey!

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The dollars are all converted to USD (is there anything else?).
Apparently Canadians don't make Cargo draggin jeans either! They have to get it from Australia ;) I used the normal Draggin jeans to compare prices. Eey!

Yes we don't make them but if you get them from Canada they come with a twofour of real beer to christen the jeans and play beer hunter with, eh.


Besides, if you get them from Australia you have to stand on your head to put them on. :lol:

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temp, have you tried your new pants in the hot hot weather ??

Give me your opinon on temp range pleasey please.

I like these.

Eey, you hoser, I like back Bacon!
It's not Eey eh, it eh. And we don't say aboot either eh, its about.

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I once bought a pair of Draggin Jeans...

Paid extra for armor too that allegedly velcro'd in.

The quality of the pants were good, but the whole armor thing was a joke. The Velcro barely held the pads. My biggest problem was on my prior bike the pants really rode up in the riding position which took all the kevlar off my knee, and thus the armor pad too. This made them uncomfortable as hell.

I asked if they could get me a pair with about 4 more inches of kevlar, in the legs and they said nope.

Apparently my legs are not in the 70th percentile when it comes to the knee bone being in the middle of your leg or something.? :weirdsmiley:

Rode with it to work today and wore it during work. It got to 92F here and i was ok. The kevlar makes it warmer than the normal cargo pants i have, but that's to be expected. It's definitely cooler than the dark ballistic nylon overpants that i wear. I think the color also makes a big difference in the temperature. Overall i'd say it keeps you cooler and drier than equivalent nylon or leather gear. It's slightly warmer than a normal pair of jeans or cargo pants, but not enough to be noticeable when chugging along.

I didn't bother with the knee armor. If I want knee and hip pads i'd rather wear my ballistic nylon or leather gear.

Crap I didn't know they were based in Australia. No wonder my classic draggin jeans have been on backorder for 2 months.

Note: MSF Ridercoaches can buy Draggin Jeans at a discount.

Crap I didn't know they were based in Australia. No wonder my classic draggin jeans have been on backorder for 2 months. Note: MSF Ridercoaches can buy Draggin Jeans at a discount.
the one in the us has nothing to do with the the australian one. The one in canada buys all of their stuff from australia. whcih one did you buy from?

The dollars are all converted to USD (is there anything else?).
Eh? Come to Canada and get your pockets filled with Loonies and Toonies; there's a reason why there's a line in our national anthem 'the True North strong....' :weight_lift:

Good for your physical fitness, and they make stuffing the dancers' g-strings very interesting... :dribble: :lol:

Take off...to the great white north....take off...it's a beauty way to go...take off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take off, eh? If you check out thefngs.com website there's a snippet in there....get's kind of annoying after a while, though. I just keep laughing.
