Dragon claims another

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Mar 1, 2006
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While in the knoxville area my father and I wanted to hit the dragon and the skyway. My father rides an 06 Harley electraglide. When we got into the dragon I went ahead and scraped up my brand new footpegs a bit and had a blast riding this stretch of road.

I got to the outpost in NC at the end of the Dragon and waited for my dad to come on down, well after four bikes came by and my dad was still a no show I quickly hopped back onto my bike to hopefully find my dad at a rest stop.

Cruising back about 2 miles I saw my dad's bike parked on the side of the road along with a Yamaha V-star cruiser and two people on the ground. Fearing the worst I parked my FJR on the otherside of the road in the dirt and rushed over.

Luckily my dad was not the one injured, my dad was following behind the V-star and saw him lowside in one of the deep turns. My dad brought him out of the road and he was scraped up and was having trouble breathing. When I got there the Yamaha pilot was on hi hands an knees while my dad was checking him out (He is a PA at the local hospitals)

I helped get him on the back of my dad's Harley and he didn't look good. We rushed him to the service station at the end of the run and had them call an ambulance. I then rode my dad back to pick up this guys bike and limped it back to the service station for him.

I was surprised how many people could drive by without asking if they could help when clearly there is a guy on his hands an knees dripping blood. When I was there at least 20 bikes went by.

Well I hope the rider is ok. After we saw that the ambulance had arrived my dad and I went on down the road.

I have to say though that the combination of the dragon and the skyway has got to be one of the nicest motorcycle routes that you can take in a single day.

While in the knoxville area my father and I wanted to hit the dragon and the skyway. My father rides an 06 Harley electraglide. When we got into the dragon I went ahead and scraped up my brand new footpegs a bit and had a blast riding this stretch of road.
I got to the outpost in NC at the end of the Dragon and waited for my dad to come on down, well after four bikes came by and my dad was still a no show I quickly hopped back onto my bike to hopefully find my dad at a rest stop.

Cruising back about 2 miles I saw my dad's bike parked on the side of the road along with a Yamaha V-star cruiser and two people on the ground. Fearing the worst I parked my FJR on the otherside of the road in the dirt and rushed over.

Luckily my dad was not the one injured, my dad was following behind the V-star and saw him lowside in one of the deep turns. My dad brought him out of the road and he was scraped up and was having trouble breathing. When I got there the Yamaha pilot was on hi hands an knees while my dad was checking him out (He is a PA at the local hospitals)

I helped get him on the back of my dad's Harley and he didn't look good. We rushed him to the service station at the end of the run and had them call an ambulance. I then rode my dad back to pick up this guys bike and limped it back to the service station for him.

I was surprised how many people could drive by without asking if they could help when clearly there is a guy on his hands an knees dripping blood. When I was there at least 20 bikes went by.

Well I hope the rider is ok. After we saw that the ambulance had arrived my dad and I went on down the road.

I have to say though that the combination of the dragon and the skyway has got to be one of the nicest motorcycle routes that you can take in a single day.
Sorry to hear that. I've ridden both and agree that those roads are on a short list for sure. Might want to clarify in your title that the Dragon "Injures" Another as there was a fatality recently and many folks (myself included) will jump to the conclusion there had been another fatality before reading the entire post. Some will skim these titles as they do headlines of the newspaper and form a conclusion that the Dragon is killing riders weekly now, which to my knowledge it is not. Granted your intention was to bring up an incident that riders should be aware of, but incomplete information just breeds more contempt for nature nazis and such to help shut down our great roads and/or restrict our activities. Glad you and your Dad were around to help and good for both of you to stop and render aid. Treasure your riding experiences with your Dad, mine is disabled, can't ride anymore and his presence on rides is missed. My .02 worth.

Might want to clarify in your title that the Dragon "Injures" Another as there was a fatality recently and many folks (myself included) will jump to the conclusion there had been another fatality before reading the entire post.
And the fact that it's posted in "FJR Specific Discussions" leads one to believe the fatality was one of our FJR brethren. Consider your hand appropriately slapped.
Might want to clarify in your title that the Dragon "Injures" Another as there was a fatality recently and many folks (myself included) will jump to the conclusion there had been another fatality before reading the entire post.
And the fact that it's posted in "FJR Specific Discussions" leads one to believe the fatality was one of our FJR brethren. Consider your hand appropriately slapped.
+1. I have a couple of friends who ride out that way and my heart skips a beat every time I read about the Dragon claiming a rider. :headbonk:

I was surprised how many people could drive by without asking if they could help when clearly there is a guy on his hands an knees dripping blood. When I was there at least 20 bikes went by.
Because if a few people are already attending, others figure no more help is required, unless waved over.

Also, some would not know how to help anyway.
