Drift HD170 video camera

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Amazon.com has quite a few reviews of it. These things are coming along pretty good but still not there yet for me, maybe in another year..

I have the GoPro HD. Here's my initial observations based on the specs/features on the website:

The remote control and LCD preview/playback screen would definitely be useful. The GoPro is pretty much point-and-pray. I'd love to be able to line up a shot without recording a sample video, hooking up to a TV/computer to see the results, then adjust the mount, rinse and repeat. There is supposed to be an add-on LCD screen for the GoPro at some point. The Drift will still have the huge advantage of viewing/changing settings on an LCD display with a more proper menu compared the nore tedious and cryptic settings menu on the GoPro.

The zoom on the Drift is digital and only available when recording at resolutions less than 1080p. I wouldn't consider this much of a feature, because digital zoom rarely looks good enough to use (you can get the same/better effect using video editing software to scale the video larger).

The Drift has a rotating lens so you can always make sure that the video is right-side-up no matter how the camera is mounted. With the GoPro, you must find a way to mount the camera as close to perfectly vertical as possible. The GoPro does at least have an upside-down mode.

The Drift is waterproof to only 0.5m. GoPro is waterproof to 60 meters (although it's the mounting case that's waterproof; not the camera itself). The Drift can pretty much only safely get wet, but not really go underwater. The GoPro can go underwater with you snorkeling or scuba diving, or just playing around in a pool or lake.

GoPro can record 60fps at 720p (insanely smooth video, or regular smoothness when slowed down to half speed). Drift only records at 30fps.

GoPro comes with an awesome high-strength suction cup mount (the motorsports version does, at least). I use this mount more than any other because it's just so easy to use and doesn't leave any mounting pieces semi-permanently stuck to something. I didn't see a mention of a suction cup mount for the Drift.

As usual, neither one a is a clear winner, both see to be good products. Get one of each?

Then again, the GoPro will be able to record 3D video soon :)


I can't find it now, but I'm pretty sure the 3D kit will include a cable that hooks the 2 cameras together and synchronizes the start/stop of recording, contrary to what the linked article says.

All I've done so far is record 1080p with the GoPro, and would rather have better focus on the subject directly in front of me, than have all that wide angle. So, I will try 720p or perhaps the 960 mode, which have narrower view angles with the hope of improving front focus.... While following bikes, and as soon as they got more than 100 feet in front of me, they started to lose detail real fast, too fast.

...I will try 720p or perhaps the 960 mode, which have narrower view angles with the hope of improving front focus...
1080p is the narrowest angle. On both the GoPro and the Drift, 1080p has a 127 degree view and all other modes have a 170 degree view. The wider angle of the 720p mode hides shaking/etc. better, and the 60fps mode will give you crisper/clearer looking video, but objects will get smaller even quicker as they move further from you compared to 1080p. The wider angle also makes curvy/hilly roads look boring.

Waterproof to only 0.5 meters is probably OK with me. If I've got the camera mounted on the bike and it's under 18" of water, I probably have bigger issues to worry about.

I've got the GoProHD, and I've never used it on the bike because where I want to mount it isn't where I can start/stop it w/o stopping, and I hate stopping.

I have the Contour GPS and am pretty happy with it. These three (GoPro, Contour, Drift) seem to be the competitive players at this price point. All pretty nice units, each with some strenghts and weaknesses over the others...

It's pretty large comared to the GoPro. Something like 6" x 2" x 1" if my metric conversions are correct.
