Driver's Backrest ?

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Well-known member
Jun 13, 2005
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Hey guys,

Has anyone found a way to mount a backrest for the driver? I would really like a removable unit for those long rides. I know I could buy a Russell with one but I don't like the fact that it's not waterproof. Also I'm not sure how those "wings" would affect my daily commuting.

I see many examples of custom fabricated passenger rests, but no driver's rest. Is it possible?


I don't know of a driver's backrest for the stock FJR seat but I can't imagine how any driver backrest could be of much value on a bike like the FJR, given the moderate forward lean riding position. I have a driver backrest on my '87 GL1200 and love it but that bike is a standard upright riding position. I suppose if you've modified the FJR rider position to make it more upright that a backrest might be of some value but otherwise I don't see it.

Lee in the Mountains of Northern California

I've been asked about this as well, but I concur with Lee. With the forward lean position, there is some weight placed on the riders hands/wrists. If the riding position was adjusted to upright or more of a cruiser lean through the use of radical barbacks, then a backrest would be useful. However, I think you'd have to be a gymnast like Radman to be able to jump over the seat with a rider's backrest.... :blink:

Well, I haven't done much to the seating position. Still using a stock seat with some risers. Back pain doesn't start until about 8 hours of riding..I just wanted something for those 3 day trips.. because once it backstrain starts it's hard to stop.


Rich's, a custom seat builder in Seattle, builds a seat that incorporates a nice back rest for the driver. I think you'd have to buy the whole seat, not just the back rest assembly, but not totally sure about that. The back rest can easily be installed/removed, and the hole for the post is covered by a velcro enclosure when not in use.

Depending on how you set up your handlebars/ barbacks/risers and the seat config, a drivers back rest would seem to me a very good thing. Scroll down to 'Doug Chapman's seat.'

I saw one prettier than this... Craig, you got any pix?

Rich's custom seat

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Can one not be made with a steel 'L' under the driver seat and coming up between rider/passenger and still using the stock saddle? Feasable??

Can one not be made with a steel 'L' under the driver seat and coming up between rider/passenger and still using the stock saddle? Feasable??
I am going to look into that this weekend.
