Eazy Rizer Lifts

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R.I.P. Our Motorcycling Friend
Jun 10, 2005
Reaction score
Carpinteria, CA
No room for a conventional table lift, but I found this spendy little lift. Anyone have or used one?

Eazy Rizer.


I can see if you wrench on bikes all day that a table lift would be a requirement for your back health, but does a recreational do-it-yerselfer really need a lift? Especially an $800 one?

Looks like the "Big Blue" model would suit the FJR. Maybe with the footpeg mnts? I like it!
It would seem that way, but the red one is rated for the FJR (tested at 2,000 lbs and there is an application chart somewhere on that site that confirms this). The Big Blue is ideal, but overkill, IMO.

I can see if you wrench on bikes all day that a table lift would be a requirement for your back health, but does a recreational do-it-yerselfer really need a lift? Especially an $800 one?
There are a few distributors selling them for $650 stateside and you are right, that is spendy, but it beats having to deal with achy back, knees and hips after a day of wrenching. Further, I have 2 bikes and rack up lots of miles on each, so at least one needs attention every month or more for service or farkling. And, have you seen the cost for a 200 tablet bottle of Aleve, lately? :blink:

Buy the table lift, and park one of the bikes on it if you need the space.

Buy the table lift, and park one of the bikes on it if you need the space.
Yeah, I thought about that, but that leaves the Klutz Factor in the equation. I'm forever tripping over stuff... On the other hand, if I can find one thin enough, I could slide it under the car.

Had you considered the Kendon Lift ?

I'm looking at this very closely - the plant is about 4 miles from my house - and what makes it interesting is that it folds up, and rolls into a corner when not in use - and for anyone that's seen my garage, I think you'll understand why.

Kendon Bike Lift


I eyeballed one of these very closely at the LB show - and it seems to be a quality unit.

Buy the table lift, and park one of the bikes on it if you need the space.
Yeah, I thought about that, but that leaves the Klutz Factor in the equation. I'm forever tripping over stuff... On the other hand, if I can find one thin enough, I could slide it under the car.
OK, here's an extravagant solution: Just cut a trench in the garage floor just the right size and depth for a regular table lift. Cover the surface of the table with non-slip. That way you could park the bike on it and never risk tripping over it.

While it would take about eleventy billion man-hours to install you would be the envy of all home mechanics (and probably some pro guys too). See, I can help you find something to do with all your spare time... :rolleyes:

Wow. Followed a link to Handy Industries. This looks like a heck of a good deal. $595 including the wheel clamp?
Handy Power Lift
Yeah, I have an older version of that model! Great tool! I paid around 700 15 yrs. ago if I remember right. Doubles as a work bench when there's no bike on it! They used to be the std. in bike shops till 10-15 yrs ago! Never a problem out of it! I had everything from race bikes to full dressers on it.

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