Ebay Spam includes an FJR picture

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Well-known member
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
I received an email yesterday from eBay that included a picture I thought would be of interest to everyone. I tried to copy/paste the entire email but it was all html graphics and I couldn't get it to show up correctly here ..... however, I did capture the picture they included in the ad ........


That color would probably appeal the Corvette owners among us. They seem to always have a piss-yellow version available for purchase. And yellow and black does look good!


I know the galaxy blues one are. 


2005 FJR1300ATC as of 07/23/05

Current Milage: 3823 - I need to ride more!

San Diego, CA.
Just think, with ALL those miles you have on yours, once it's broken in, you'll actually be able to do 0 to 60. :****:

I know the galaxy blues one are. 


2005 FJR1300ATC as of 07/23/05

Current Milage: 3823 - I need to ride more!

San Diego, CA.
Just think, with ALL those miles you have on yours, once it's broken in, you'll actually be able to do 0 to 60. :****:
Well, I know for a fact is does 135mph uphill and no idea what it tops out at. 1200 miles a month is pretty much average and between working full time, going to school 3 nights a week and the gym 2 to 3 nights, I think it's pretty damn good. If only I had the time to travel, I would. https://members.cox.net/flintdb/****%20Off.gif

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It is good to see I don't monopolize all the love on this forum :D

The original ones had 93 ft lbs of torque but still 145 hp. The later ones are the same...

145hp 99 ft lb tq

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It has been well documented that the blue ones have an extra 5 H.P. No wonder they run a little faster.
And also documented that the Galaxy Blue '05s weight 725 pounds dry, so there's a little thing called inertia to overcome. They are the proof Newton was right. :)
