Effin New Guy

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Aug 28, 2006
Reaction score
St. Petersburg, FL
Hey Gang,

My girl and I would love to ride to Cedar Key on the 24th. We've been looking for others for day trips without much luck. We live in St. Pete and Cedar Key is a great distance for us. Don't know about the after lunch ride but we would at least like to drop in and say Hi! I'll stay tuned to this thread and see what you folks decide.

Hey Gang,
My girl and I would love to ride to Cedar Key on the 24th. We've been looking for others for day trips without much luck. We live in St. Pete and Cedar Key is a great distance for us. Don't know about the after lunch ride but we would at least like to drop in and say Hi! I'll stay tuned to this thread and see what you folks decide.
Satori88 and I are local to ya...We should all try to hook up...

Hey guys,

Im gonna be at Quaker Steak Wednesday night. If you all can make it, let's pick a time for a meet n greet and maybe we can get some onion rings and exchange numbers.

Sure like yalls area down there at St. Pete's. Wife and I have stayed a couple of times down there and had a blast. Maybe we'll make it down there sometime in the next couple of months.

We'll be riding out of St. Augustine week from Sunday and hope you might make it but know how long of a cruise that would be. Ride safe.

gitterdan :beach:
