Engine Armor

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Well-known member
Nov 25, 2005
Reaction score
Chanhassen, MN
I need engine armor.

I could order from Johnny Bike but I assume (possibly wrongly) that the shipping will take a long time. How long have others had to wait for things from JB?

I was looking at Wildhair but it looks like they removed all their engine armor from the web site. WTF?? Couple that with some reports of long waits and Glaxy5's trouble with a recent order I'm not sure they'll be any faster the JB.

Are there any other US sources of the engine armor?

I ordered (last year) from BikeJohnny, and I don't recall it taking an inordinate amount of time.

I don't know how this is affecting the situation, but I was looking into buying some raw carbon fiber for some projects of mine. Aparently there is a world wide carbon fiber shortage because of the current military requirements. One of the supplier's websites actually said "if you know where to find any, let us know!"

Althought the engine armour is probably already fabricated and sitting in stock somewhere.

Aparently there is a world wide carbon fiber shortage because of the current military requirements.
Yes, the Pentagon has bought up everything they could find. Now the fabric can't be made fast enough to catch up. Then top it off by having the price almost triple in the last year. Definitely put a damper on my projects.

I've gotten things from BikeJohnny as fast or faster, than other things shipped here in the states. I recently got a part from the Netherlands in about a week. The shipping is fast, it's going thru customs that slows things down.

You may have buy outside the US, since WildHair no longer carries them.

The shipping is fast, it's going thru customs that slows things down.
Maybe they're confiscating all the carbon fiber at the boarder :eek:

I think my fears the Johnny Bike's shipping would take a long time were unfounded. I saw in another thread some one received their sliders from them in a week. I should order soon, in case my bike EVER gets here <_<


i ordered one from wildhair on monday. he said that his supplier had 2 left. also said that metisse is raising prices 50% and dropping the amount the dealers make by selling their product. this in turn means that wildhair's supplier in germany is no longer carrying the metisse line of CF products. when i ordered mine he said that it shouldn't have even been on the site, and must have removed it since then.

just order them from bike jonny. i got my sliders from them and the shipping didn't take that long. i would just try to get them while you can! i don't know of any other manufacturer. good luck!


Thanks! I ordered last night from Johnny Bike. It's good to know I got in under a big price increase. If these get any more expensive it'll pay to just carry a spare Alt. cover :bigeyes:

I need engine armor.
I could order from Johnny Bike but I assume (possibly wrongly) that the shipping will take a long time. How long have others had to wait for things from JB?

I was looking at Wildhair but it looks like they removed all their engine armor from the web site. WTF?? Couple that with some reports of long waits and Glaxy5's trouble with a recent order I'm not sure they'll be any faster the JB.

Are there any other US sources of the engine armor?
I recently ordered sliders from Bike Johnny & I received it in a normal amount of time. Same as if I ordered it in the USA.

"Smoke a tire.....It's cancer free!" :blink:

Well, I placed an order with Bike Johnny over the weekend. They likely got to it on Monday, I expect. We'll see how long it takes...

