EOM Sunday Dinner

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Not to hijack a thread or anything... but....

How's she been doing since last year's EOM? I hope she's doing well. Send her my regards for now.

If you begin a "head count" count me in (+1 for my fiancee)
Not counting yet. :lazy:

I'll send you a pm this spring, make sure your email on this board works and I'll send people in this thread a heads up.

I just wanted everyone to realize we had this going on Sunday even though the details need to be worked out.

Only 8 months away ;)


Doing well, Chemo done, hair has grown back (looks better than before) mastectomy done, inflate-a-tittie in (due for a change to a regular implant in April)

Thank you so much for asking. BTW many thanks again, to all (from both of us) for the signing of the shirt and well wishes. Now she has to decide if she wants to go to EOM 06 (after my stories from the last one :eek: she isn't so sure---her screen name is Not2phast after all) :D

Hijack over, please commence with our regularly scheduled programming....



What stories did you tell her? There was wall to wall traffic last year. This years EOM is in a much less traveled area.

And don't tell her about what Linville Falls looks like after a Hurricane


The falls will look more like this


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I just told her the truth: ;) my tires saw pavement on areas that prob. wouldn't see pavement again (so far that has proven true) I told her about Quicksilver scraping his wifes sneakers while cornering, :fans: Jarvis wheelieing his "double bagger bike" (with floppy ears on his helmet) on the Dragon to get the goat of the guy on the "supermotard" :clap: and then I capped it off with a slightly spirited run with her onboard (could tell by the gleam in her eyes that she liked it though) :D Then I told her that we all had more experience this year and things might be even more "interesting"....Keep in mind that this whole time she remembers that I stated I was no where near the fastest of our group.

The traffic was bad last year and from what I've seen/read/heard of the Shady Valley area it will be much more fun to play in the "Motorcycle Playground"

The falls sure have a completly different look when all fluffed up with a few million more gallons of water per hour don't they? :eek:

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The falls sure have a completly different look when all fluffed up with a few million more gallons of water per hour don't they? :eek:
That was from Hurricane Francis. I would hate to see the picture a week later after Ivan went through. Ivan is the one that closed all the roads and put a damper on the 2004 EOM. Isabell hit EOM in 2003. I'm glad last year broke the hurricanes named "I" and there was perfect weather. Both of those hurricanes caught me travelling through PA and made for a very soggy ride.

Hey! Who's highjacking my thread! Oh I am too I guess :paladin:

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Mr Bill, count me in on the dinner. I sat next to you at the EOM dinner last year. Look forward to seeing everyone again in 06!

Hope to see you on some local rides again this year.

+1 for Sunday dinner.

I like Lobster, bacon-wrapped Filet Mignon, and Lake Erie area wine, circa 1998. But I'll settle for fishsticks, burgers, and Bud :D In a dirty glass :lol:

+1 for Sunday dinner.
I like Lobster, bacon-wrapped Filet Mignon, and Lake Erie area wine, circa 1998. But I'll settle for fishsticks, burgers, and Bud :D In a dirty glass :lol:

We are trying to get some fresh food rather than frozen or canned.

Do you like your racoon well done? :D

Count me in.

Looks like my daughter will be joining me. Make that 2 for dinner.

Road kill and moonshine sounds good to me.

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Seems like we have plenty of people to justify a couple of PrimeRibs to saw on.

Ohhhhh, Primerib buffet.

I wish I had a smilie for Homer Simpson drooling.
