Escort 9500ix went off a lot

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May 24, 2006
Reaction score
Roseburg, OR
I've never had a radar detector before. Is it common for K Band warnings as you approach many (but not all) signals?

I know X Band is useless, but hadn't heard about K Band and traffic signals before. can somebody enlighten me?

I've never had a radar detector before. Is it common for K Band warnings as you approach many (but not all) signals?I know X Band is useless, but hadn't heard about K Band and traffic signals before. can somebody enlighten me?
I've had K band alerts near grocery stores from auto door actuators I believe along with some security systems, but haven't had any particular alerts just with traffic signals before. In my neck of the woods, since I don't have the option of a GPS memory like yours, I often mute the K band and rely on Ka alerts and my ever present scanning. Sometimes I even go the speed limit. :rolleyes:

edit: yup - radar signs are prevalent in our area, yet another reason I mute the K band.

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Around there the radar speed indicating signs are on kband. Most of the patrol have ka band.

I bought a 9500ix a couple months ago. It is very sensitive in highway mode, but it remembers x and k band locations after 3 detections at the same GPS coordinates. Just keep driving the same routes and it will learn the signals. Some of the new red light cameras are using k-band to detect when to take a picture of a red light runner.

All good points. I guess I just need to drive the coast of Oregon two more times. :yahoo:

I knew the speed indicator signs emitted K band after my detector lit up and I saw the portable speed indicator on the side of the road around a bend.

Perhaps it was local WallyWorlds or the equivalent near intersections that were setting it off, and it was coincidence --as far as I know there aren't any speed cameras or red light cameras on the coast -- yet.

Things like speed signs and red light cameras are constantly on. So you pick it up as a low blip and it gets slowly, progressively louder as you approach. A lot of the local townies run K band around here. They also tend to just leave them running as they patrol or sit at the side of the road. So you can't necessarily ignore that kind of a K band signal.

Ka is just about always a cop. If you hear just one Ka blip (you'll learn to recognize the sound quickly) you know there is a LEO somewhere close by.

Things like speed signs and red light cameras are constantly on. So you pick it up as a low blip and it gets slowly, progressively louder as you approach. A lot of the local townies run K band around here. They also tend to just leave them running as they patrol or sit at the side of the road. So you can't necessarily ignore that kind of a K band signal.
Ka is just about always a cop. If you hear just one Ka blip (you'll learn to recognize the sound quickly) you know there is a LEO somewhere close by.
I got lit up by Ka band twice. Once I was a couple miles an hour over (37 in a 35), and I hit the brakes. I never saw him. He tracked me for a good quarter-mile hoping I'd take off. Another time I got lit up with Ka I was UNDER the speed limit. Guess the LEO just didn't like FJR's :rolleyes: , but he gave up within seconds.

I think there was the potential to have been pulled over at least once that was avoided by the detector -- but one never knows. Tough to prove a negative.

We are getting more and more traffic lights around here that are triggered by K band radar- a PITA as my X50 picks them all up. Also those "your speed is" signs that will not only tell you your speed but soon will also send you a ticket use K band. I just hit the mute button. As noted, a lot of the low buck pfuzz use K band..TG x band is no longer used..
