Estacada Oregon to Detroit Lake - dangerous road

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Dec 19, 2006
Reaction score
Peoria, Arizona
FYI If any one is wanting to ride on the road from Estacada Or. to Detroit Lake Don't the road is covered with a lot of debris, anything from full on logs across the road (blocking a full lane) to softball size rocks strewn the total width of the road surface. The road itself has huge pot holes and frostl swells that need repair. Even has some snow in spots. Please watch yourself on this chunk of pavement or you could donate to the chunk of pavement.


Thanks for the update. I was thinking about going for a cruise up there soon. Hope the state gets this road fixed, lots of good corners. I'm sure the squids are going to be disappointed.


Ditto to all of the above. I did the road yesterday morning and it was very interesting with about 5 miles of road with lots of windblown trees down on the road and some pretty good size snow drifts as well as rocks and frost heaves and huge potholes. Other than that we had a great ride on a very fun road. The best thing was almost no traffic!

I love taking that road for just that reason - no traffic. Anytime I'm riding to Bend or back, I cut thru that way.

Seems like there are always some rookie kayakers by the north fork - always good for some entertainment...

FYI If any one is wanting to ride on the road from Estacada Or. to Detroit Lake Don't the road is covered with a lot of debris, anything from full on logs across the road (blocking a full lane) to softball size rocks strewn the total width of the road surface. The road itself has huge pot holes and frostl swells that need repair. Even has some snow in spots. Please watch yourself on this chunk of pavement or you could donate to the chunk of pavement.Doug
I just went through there twice, Sunday on my way to Portland and Monday on the way home. I didn't think that it was all that bad. Sure there are a couple of places that you need to slow down but you can see it coming up in plenty of time and 99% of the road is great. Don't skip this great road because of a few downed trees. They are all in the same area and easy to get around, so out of 72 miles of road, 70 miles are just fantastic.
