Etymotic 6i Isolator Earphones - ER6i ???????

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My name is Smitty.. And I have a motorcycle proble
Jun 25, 2005
Reaction score
Hooterville, MO
Can someone with a set of these ear phone/plugs please do me a favor. Can you measure how long from end to end. I have a set of koss spark plugs and they are to long. They put pressure on my ears and start to hurt after 1/2 hour or so. I have been looking to buy a pair of the Etymotic ER 6i's if they ar smaller than the Koss. The others I have been looking at are a set from Racing Radio's. A custom mold with speakers build in. Help me please..... Smitty

Zactly where do you want me to measure from?

OK, from end to end they are 7/8'th of an inch.

But I have the Regular ER6's Click Here

Not the ER6i's Click Here

But if I recall they are damn near the same size. They fit all the way inside my ear where they Koss's don't. I have those too as backups.

(They are much more narrower and supple)


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I use the standard plug size, not the smaller one or the larger one. 6i fits in far enough so there is no helmet contact with my Nolan 100 helmet.

YMMV, etc

Renegade, can you tell me the dia. of the 6i. Looks to be almost 1/4" shorter than the Koss plugs..thats a good thing. Thanks again, Smitty

. The others I have been looking at are a set from Racing Radio's. A custom mold with speakers build in. Help me please..... Smitty
Smitty, if you go with the Racing radio ones, make sure they are stereo, not mono. I've heard of some of these racing radio sets being mono as they are used for communication not music. Also, a set of custom molded ear speakers do not cost much more than the Etymonics. You should check that option out before dropping your money. I bought some Shure ear buds ($150.00) and they sound great, but could not wear them and a helmet too, to much pressure on them from the helmet. I had custom molds made ($180.00) and what a difference. :yahoo: Its well worth the small extra money for the custom ones.

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Renegade, can you tell me the dia. of the 6i. Looks to be almost 1/4" shorter than the Koss plugs..thats a good thing. Thanks again, Smitty

The diameter goes from about 1/4 to 3/8 out to 1/2. But like I said it's real soft and pliable. Plus they have different ends you can get. You can actually get foam for these if you want them.

If you ask them they'll send you a sample pack. I know my dad put foam on his for a while, he didn't like the rubber, but I've not had an issue with them.


Here's how they fit in MY ears:


Your ears may be different ;)

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Just like Renegade, my ER6i's fit completely in my ear. My helmet doesn't gouge them into my ears when I pull the bucket off, either.

. The others I have been looking at are a set from Racing Radio's. A custom mold with speakers build in. Help me please..... Smitty
Smitty, if you go with the Racing radio ones, make sure they are stereo, not mono. I've heard of some of these racing radio sets being mono as they are used for communication not music. Also, a set of custom molded ear speakers do not cost much more than the Etymonics. You should check that option out before dropping your money. I bought some Shure ear buds ($150.00) and they sound great, but could not wear them and a helmet too, to much pressure on them from the helmet. I had custom molds made ($180.00) and what a difference. :yahoo: Its well worth the small extra money for the custom ones.

I have a set of koss spark plugs and they are to long.
That could be your problem right there... :blink: Maybe the Iridiums would work better... :lol:
I was down in Atlanta a few week back and stopped by Racing Radio's. That what the guy there told be. Besure to get stereo, they where $150 for a custom set.

Groo, your killing me... Smitty

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Thanks everyone, I just bought a pair of ER6i's for $89.00 shipped. Should be here in a few days. I just put a xm radio (Roady xt per FJRockets help.. thanks Matt) on my FJR. I have been using a small mp3 player. XM is the cats ass for tunes on the road... Wish I would have done it long ago. Thanks for the info guys, you just help me spend another $89. clams... :dribble: Smitty

ebay. ER-6i's

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