Ever wave to a motorcyclist...

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Well-known member
Jul 4, 2006
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
I've caught myself, especially after a long day of riding. I wave to FJR's from the car too.

Yup, I have done that. Usually, I am jealous that they are out riding, and I am stuck in the cage.

Yes, and I have had cagers wave at me.

When I am riding and a cager waves, I assume that they ride.

Perhaps when I wave from my cage, the riders makes the same assumption.

When I’m in the cage, I don’t wave at every motorcycle, but I have caught myself waving without thinking.

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I posted this a while ago when it happened.

I rounded a tight bend in the van, coming the other way was a biker. I made the briefest of eye contact and automatically nodded. He nodded back and was gone. I smiled to myself, I would guess he did the same.

All the time... and have gotten some strange looks, and a bunch of waves back. I figure they know I'm a jealous motorcyclist hauling groceries/kids/dogs/whatever and would rather be on the bike.


I went almost 5 years w/o a bike and I never dropped the gut reaction. Usually I stop myself from waving from the cage, thinking either the biker's not going to notice or I'll deviate his/her attention that extra critical second while they are figuring out which neighbor just waved to them. Glad someone started the topic.

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what? wave at those crazy kids on their crotch rockets making all the noise and going through traffic as if laws don't apply to them! NEVER! damn motorcycles. bad influence on everybody......

oh wait. I don't even own a car. :p

I agree that usually it just shows that we are jealous as we are stuck in our cars! That is what I always think when it happens to me. Always brings a smile to my face though. Whether in my car or on the bike, that is the most important thing.

I do feel like a dork though when my wedding ring hits the window!

Just once.

I was stuck in traffic in the work truck, looked in my mirror and saw a rider weaving his way through the barely moving traffic. I watched as several people tried, but failed, to prevent his forward progress, as he approached on my left I stopped to open up a space in front of me. As he went by I just stuck my hand out the window with the two finger salute. He acknowledged the favor with a wave over his shoulder and went on his way. Actually made me feel pretty good.

Yes, and then I blushed when I caught myself doing it.


Funny you bring the wave thing up.. today was only my second bit of riding after a long winter and i'm allready sick of having to do the wave. Maybe i'm getting old and crusty but the last year/so all that i really want to focus on is the road, my bike and the ride. Mind you, if you'r on an FJR i might wave with both hands and try and lock up the rear to spin her around.

Just too much "everybody's gotta' wave" pressure

No moe waving



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I drive a Jeep Wrangler and Wrangler owners often wave to each other. I often catch myself waiving to other bikers, too, without even realizing what I'm doing.

If I'm forced to drive a car and see other fjr's I'll try to run them off the road....if that's not possible I'll just give them the bird.....bastards.....get to ride while I have to drive.

Last spring I passed through part of Idaho on the way to Yellowstone. Emptiest damn roads anywhere. After an hour or so, finally met another vehicle, a pickup. The guy waved. For the rest of the day, every car I met waved, and so did I. Friendly folks, them Idahoans.
