Reminds me of an episode at school about 100 (well probably something like 58) years ago.
Physics master was talking about leverage. Talked about how different people had different builds, in particular lanky as opposed to stocky. Lankies had poorer muscle leverage, stockies had better leverage.
To illustrate, he got one of the pupils to the front of the class, got him to hold a 5kG (I think) weight with the arm fully extended to the side, timed how long before the kid gave up. Then he got another.
He called out one of the of the boys who was tall and thin (a self proclaimed tough). He could hold the weight out for some 20 seconds, about average. Then the master called on me. Now, I wasn't particularly stocky, but anyway, I put my arm out, and he started his stopwatch. He carried on talking about stuff to the class. After some 5 minutes the bell went for the end of the period.
"Please, sir, can I put it down now?"
"Chr*st, are you still holding that?"
Afterwards the "tough" never did try any of his bullying tactics on me
I don't think I could do that now. Just the sack.
Excellent teacher. Could hit anyone in the class with a piece of chalk. Was known to occasionally hurl the blackboard duster
and scare the living daylights out of the errant youngster.
I believe he knew about this boy's bullying and knew I would do better than him.