exhaust heat sheld

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Well-known member
May 19, 2006
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Anyone try one of these? Webpage

There for a 05 would they fit a 06? Its either these or bike Johnny's.

Thanks, Cary

Looks like this farkle concept was ripped off directly from the Dean Tanji original, who created it back in the summer of 2004: FJRTech: Dean Tanji Heel Guard Farkle

Still and all, these appear to be just as good as the Cobra ones, and they are less expensive. AND, the website is owned by a forum member here, so anytime we can "keep it in the family" when selecting vendors, that's a good thing.

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Anyone try one of these? Webpage
There for a 05 would they fit a 06? Its either these or bike Johnny's.

Thanks, Cary
I would think that area of exhaust is going to be interchangable. Seems like a model specific improvement to the other popular option of Cobra Heat Shields. Yeah, it's chrome, but worked very well for me and lots of other LD FJR riders.

Will be interesting to see when they sort their ordering process and prices out.

.....oh, got it now. It's a front website to an eBay collection. $38 for a pair seems pretty reasonable since the Cobras are sold singly and run about $22 each.

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I checked out the site. It quotes $65 for a pair. The eBay is an auction that starts at $38 with an additional $10 for shipping (for the pair). If there's only 1 bid and you get it for $38 ($48) then, I'd agree that it's a very competative price.

If someone goes all eBay wonky on bidding, then all bets are off.

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I just put a set of those Speed zone i got them off E bay for my 05 They look very nice, Work great. Alos i have blue flame exhaust system and it fits perfactly...

I just noticed that thats me in the comments left by ebay .... AKA jebbai


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