Export Garmin GPS track to Google Earth

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Well-known member
Apr 20, 2006
Reaction score
Goodyear, AZ
I tried this after my ride today, pretty cool feature.

You can see your entire route you took from a very detailed satellite image.


Garmin Mapsource software

Google Earth

Must have the track log turned on in your GPS unit (this will record your route data as you ride)

How to:

Hook up your Garmin GPS to your computer

Using Garmin Mapsource, export the GPS data to your computer (Transfer, receive from device)

(This will export your entire track to your computer)

On the menu bar, select View, View in Google Earth

-This will export your track to Google Earth

-You can now zoom into any point or road along your route

-If you right click on the "places" you can save the track for future reference.

-The saved file will have the file extension (.kmz)

-Here is a sample file of my ride today in Southern California (188 miles of nice mountain twisty roads)

(unzip file and open with Google Earth)

Sample File

I am sure some of you will have questions.

Let me know if I can explain it differently or help you out.

I thought you had to subscribe to google earth plus to do this, but apparently this isn't the case! I might be looking into this GPS unit now, as I've wanted to trace routes in google earth for a while.

Can you also export routes from a mapping software, or only routes you've "recorded" with the GPS?

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Great find Pawtracks!!!

...now if those black helicopters would stop following me....

I just kind of stumbled upon it playing around with my track data today.

I also have a 2730 but don't have it wired up to the FJR yet.

This track data was recorded on my Garmin etrex Vista C

Right now I have 22mb of maps loaded in the 24MB of memory the unit has.

I have more than 400 miles of track recorded as well and it shows the track log at 39% full.

Not sure if that translates to how much data/storage is required for other units?

I am using this feature with the free version of Google Earth

Glad you guys enjoy! :)

Can you also export routes from a mapping software, or only routes you've "recorded" with the GPS?
I gave it shot and it does work.

I'm not sure why you would want to try this though??

From Mapsource "tools, Track Draw"

Once you have your track drawn out just click on "View, View in Google Earth"

Obviously not as powerful as using real GPS recorded data since the recorded data is really accurate to the roads traveled. Drawn in by hand/mouse is only as good as the artist (steady hand).

Which version of Mapsource?

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Does mapsource not lock onto roads when mapping routes?!?

I was trying to do this playing with the software, but figured I was overlooking something.

I'm trying to generate maps for EOM, and I'd like to see some things in google earth, but don't have a GPS unit to record with.

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If you zoom in all the way in Google Earth it looks like I need to work on my cornering :)

Not sure which is off just a bit, Garmin, Google or GPS

(some corners show me riding through the trees)

Does mapsource not lock onto roads when mapping routes?!?
I was trying to do this playing with the software, but figured I was overlooking something.

I'm trying to generate maps for EOM, and I'd like to see some things in google earth, but don't have a GPS unit to record with.
I think the difference which doesn't appear to work like you want is:

A Route Vs a Track

You can create a route in Mapsource which will lock onto roads but when you view a route in Google Earth it appears as a straight line (point to point - as the crow flies - no roads)

If you draw a track in by hand it will follow the track in Google Earth (just not as accurate as a GPS recorded track) On the other hand the hand drawn track would "look" more accurate provided you are patient and have a steady drawing/mouse hand.

I don't know enough about Google Earth to know if you can do what you are trying to do.

If I figure it out I will post how but my limited research shows a track is required (at least for now)

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Also, once you've exported the tracks into Google Earth(at least the new Beta 4 Version) from Mapsource if you hit the "play" button on the bottom of the column it will "fly" the route.


Also, once you've exported the tracks into Google Earth(at least the new Beta 4 Version) from Mapsource if you hit the "play" button on the bottom of the column it will "fly" the route.
Thanks for the tip.

I wonder if the Google Flyby takes the sweepers & hairpins faster than this novice :)

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I found this while checking the tracks from Utah last week.

I tried it with a route and it only showed the waypoints.

I'll have to try the flyby!

I found this while checking the tracks from Utah last week.I tried it with a route and it only showed the waypoints.

I'll have to try the flyby!
I tried a few different ways today but could not get Google Earth to do anything special with a route.

A track works great though

Does the "flyby" work with V3 as well?

Anyone know if I want to install the Beta V4, do I have to uninstall V3 first?

Thanks in advance.

Does the "flyby" work with V3 as well?
Anyone know if I want to install the Beta V4, do I have to uninstall V3 first?

Thanks in advance.
I didn't try the flyby in V3 but when I upgraded to V4 Beta I just installed right over the top of V3, seems to work fine.

Maybe someone else has V3 installed to test the flyby

Ditto what Rogue said... did a flyby on my "Pie Run" track from a couple of weekends ago... worked just dandy. Thanks for letting us know about this!
