I too purchased a Nolan N103 from them at $295 with free shipping. Got it (relatively) fast as well. But... there's always a but...
First helmet arrived and it was the wrong color. If that wasn't bad enough, it was a J&M reject, so it had a hole drilled in the side of it where the N-Com electronics should have gone. Called Nolan USA and was told that the helmet I received should never have been shipped out in the first place as it sounded like one that J&M rejected for whatever reason.
However, Extreme Supply shipped out a new helmet to me even before they received the defective one back from me, which was very nice. The new helmet arrived and is perfect. Brand new, and the box was even in perfect shape (not that the box ultimately matters, but it was nice nevertheless).
On a side note, Nolan USA indicated that Extreme Supply is a reputable dealer to buy from, and that they would fix the error, which they definitely did. So, all in all, very happy to have dealt with Extreme Supply. So happy, in fact, that I bought my girlfriend a Nolan N43e, and got both of us Basic Kit 2's and Bluetooth 2 kits, all from Extreme Supply.