Faceshield Tearoffs?

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Well-known member
Apr 30, 2007
Reaction score
Harrisburg, NC
On my past few rides, the bugs have been really bad. A couple of times lately the bugs go so bad so fast that I have had to literally stop after riding 30-40mi to clean off my shield.

Has anyone used tear offs or any other type of process/routine for keeping their sheild reasonably clean while riding?



Don't you have to stop just as often if you're using tear offs?

Instead of stopping to clean your shield, you're stopping to look for a trash can.

Don't you have to stop just as often if you're using tear offs?
Instead of stopping to clean your shield, you're stopping to look for a trash can.
I am not sure that tear-offs are the solution, however, they would be easy enough to tear off and put into a jacket pocket or tank bag while riding. I figure that the iron butt or LD guys that ride in the buggy areas of FL, around rivers, etc - must have some way of keeping their shields clean without making frequent stops.


Has anyone used tear offs or any other type of process/routine for keeping their sheild reasonably clean while riding?
On the advice of Big Chief Stinky Pants (hubby to Iron Maiden) I have a set of Windex Wipes in my tank bag. Great item for about $3 at most grocery stores.

I can open the pouch one handed (or quick two second tab pull with two hands and a throttle lock), pull one out, and wipe my shield as I ride (depending on traffic), and close it all back up. I then put the wipe in a jacket pocket that's rainproof....so actually keeps the wipe moist and can reuse it another time or two. The wipes are soft and do well on bug juice.

It worked reasonably well for a little 11 day ride I did last August. ;)


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Has anyone used tear offs or any other type of process/routine for keeping their sheild reasonably clean while riding?
On the advice of Big Chief Stinky Pants (hubby to Iron Maiden) I have a set of Windex Wipes in my tank bag. Great item for about $3 at most grocery stores.

I can open the pouch one handed (or quick two second tab pull with two hands and a throttle lock), pull one out, and wipe my shield as I ride (depending on traffic), and close it all back up. I then put the wipe in a jacket pocket that's rainproof....so actually keeps the wipe moist and can reuse it another time or two. The wipes are soft and do well on bug juice.

It worked reasonably well for a little 11 day ride I did last August. ;)

Gunny Woof on the Windex wipes. A full-face helmet wearing Harley rider (now there's something you don't see everyday!) passed along this tip a couple of months back. I keep a pack in my tank bag now.

I figure that the iron butt or LD guys that ride in the buggy areas of FL, around rivers, etc - must have some way of keeping their shields clean without making frequent stops.
They just take there face shields off of there helmets and squint :p

Now that's a damn good idea ya got there Iggy :clapping:

I'll have to look at those.

I carry a few mirofiber towels. One of them is kept very damp and stays in the side pocket of my tank bag. The other is just for back-up or in case someone else needs it.

When I stop for fuel, the towel gets all of the bugs rinsed off and a drop or two of soap in the center. It's ready to go until the next fuel stop.

I have been using tearoffs for quite some time. You pay a few bucks more to get the shield with the posts and then you have to buy the tearoffs, but, it's worth the few extra bucks, IMO.

Joe2 - No, you don't have to stop. You pull it off and stick it in your tank bag, pocket, etc.

If you go this route, it takes a little extra time in prep if you want to do it efficiently (stack multiple tear offs) and don't want to do damage to your shield (if you don't use a little tape to keep them in place, the tear off will scratch your shield).

I've been using this "spongee" for a few months and it seems to work pretty well, mounts easily on the FJR and can be used one-handed while riding. Clicky


Ditto to the individual wipes in the tank bag. I am not using the windex, however. The ones I had were a Bausch product for glasses and other optics, and is less damaging to the plastic face-shield.
