Fat Cats The ride video

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The Video Dude
Oct 2, 2005
Reaction score
Ventura, CA
Here be the latest in the video collection...

The Ride to Fat Cats meet & eat.... Routes 101 to 154 Foxen Canyon to Tepusquet Rd to 166 to 101.

Enjoy the show



Thanks for the hard work to make this video. Great opening on the Fat Cat sign and nicely panned stills at the end. The wide angle roll into Fat Cats off the aft camera was great. Good speed control. Thanks again.


Yep, ol J'Dog just keeps rolling the film, er, tape, er, bits and bytes.

I did notice, however, that ol Jdog got a bit flustered with the camera when the big ol Hawg arrived on the scene..

..was it the BRAAAP or or jus the sight? :rolleyes:

Great job JDawg!

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Cool video, thanks for sharing the fun. It was nice meeting you and the gang at Fatcats.

Cool video, thanks for sharing the fun. It was nice meeting you and the gang at Fatcats.

Recorder By Chase Cam.. PDR100 i have 5 diffrent bullet cam's different Brands

Remote switch box is my custom made box.. And i use Sony Vegas 7.0a Platinum movie studio ..

Also see it all here.

Only new change is the Helmet cam is a new one from Bestem and is a 520 line res cam

all other are 480 Res Cam


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Cool video, thanks for sharing the fun. It was nice meeting you and the gang at Fatcats.

Recorder By Chase Cam.. PDR100 i have 5 diffrent bullet cam's different Brands

Remote switch box is my custom made box.. And i use Sony Vegas 7.0a Platinum movie studio ..

Also see it all here.

Thanks Jdog. Very nice setup. I like how stable it is for the resolution you get. Someday, when I get the $, I want to do some video stuff too.

Cool video, thanks for sharing the fun. It was nice meeting you and the gang at Fatcats.

Recorder By Chase Cam.. PDR100 i have 5 diffrent bullet cam's different Brands

Remote switch box is my custom made box.. And i use Sony Vegas 7.0a Platinum movie studio ..

Also see it all here.

Sorry for the late reply i have been out to sea for a few weeks.

The Bullet cam are the most Stable Camera i have ever used. 100 times better then Video Camcorders...When i started out video taping on the bike i would say after a days of filming only 10 to 20 % of video was ant good at all do to bouncing and Flutter,Skip....ect. Now with the PDR100 by Chase Cam and the bullet cams i get about 99.9% perfact video out of a days ride. The pdr will adjust the Resolution to what you want. In th normal mode which is what i use it is recdorded in DVD Res. I can go much better but it eats up the memory very fast. In Normal mode i get about 30 Minutes of video on a gig..

