Final drive Leak

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Well-known member
Apr 6, 2006
Reaction score
Daleville, AL
Changed the final drive oil before riding this weekend. When I returned from my 620 mile ride Saturday I had the tiger like stripes on my rear wheel rim from drive oil. I figured it was from the heat and I spent most of my time at 80-90mph. I cleaned it up and went for a 100 mile ride today and it is worse. Off to the dealer Tuesday for warranty work. I have 29,000 miles on her so far and I change drive oil every 10 to 15 thousand miles. I will post the results when I get them.


Seems there's been a couple of these events. I am wondering if we have enough data points to establish an average life for this seal. As preventative maintenance I would like to replace mine before I get to the anticipated life.

You have 29K on yours. There is one data point.

I wonder what mileage have others had when they needed seal replacements?

Maybe someone more clever than I can do a Poll for the information.

There are two different seals that can be the culprit, so which one it is needs to be identified.

It's not necessarily a direct path from the seals to the weephole. So, even though oil is flowing out the weephole, it's possible (even if doubtful) the seal is no longer leaking and it's now just the build-up from the initial leak that is still slowly working it's way through.

The tech called me today and it is seal number #12 in the fiche OIL SEAL

93101-38001-00 that is leaking. He is going to replace number #34 OIL SEAL

93108-43001-00 too since he has it apart. Of course the parts are not in stock so I should get the bike back Tuesday or Wednesday. Covered by warranty but would have cost $140.
