Finally got a Ducati

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Well-known member
Sep 5, 2005
Reaction score
Creston, CA
I've always longed for one....

and now I have my own Ducati.

.well, actually he's shared with Ms dCarver..




Du-CAT-i.... get it? :rofl:

Don - Just when I thought you finally went up three rungs on the ladder you let me down. :p

I may never want a Du-Cat-i again. ;)

I'll take a Duc 1198 any day though. :yahoo:

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Honesty, peeps, this was huge moment for Ms. dCarver. She was so in love Sasha, her faithful catpanion for 16 years.

When she said she found a cat, and his name was 'Ducati', how could I say no?

Funny thing tho? He does NOT purr. Not even if you listen close. Sure, his eyes roll back, and he's about the most gentle kitten I've ever seen, but no purr?


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I've got one that never purred until it was about 3 years old.

Won't sit in your lap, won't let you scratch its ears, would rather chase its own tail than play with a string toy. Until about an hour after going to bed, then I can't get rid of the damn thing! Puts its front feet up on my side and starts kneading, with just enough claw to know it has claws, but not enough to be any danger.

Its meow sounds like that Toy Story character with the broken squeaker.

And it's jet black. The absolute perfect Basement Cat.

Here's a little fun with yours:


Congratulations, Don. They say there are two kinds of people in the world, dog people and cat people. While I get along with dogs just fine, it's really the felines that steal my heart. My favorite was Parker (as in parkerized finish: he was dark grey) who had some dog like traits (running to meet me when I got home from work and almost never said no to a good petting session) but was a cat through and through when it came to all night hunting sessions. Great mouser. Lost him way to early to a case of liver diesease. Still missed.

Enjoy Ducati.

Very nice Ducati!

I agree Cats are great pets, if you get the right one. My best pet ever was a cat named Parker, he and I were tight. He would eat when I was eating, come hang out when I was hanging out, sit by me on the table when I was working at home or on the computer, never once did he bite or scratch me and he would come sleep on the bed with me. He couldn't care less if my guy friends visited, he would just ignore them, but he did love the ladies! Unfortunately for him and I, he also had a wander lust and couldn't stay indoors for more than a couple days at a time, proved to be his undoing as after many years he just didn't return one day :(


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Congratulations on your Du-CAT-i, Don; looks like a really great feline. I'm nutty about my nine year old blonde Labrador Retriever Bear, but equally crazy about my tabby cat Gary!

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I thought maybe you'd get a Duck-ati....and invite us for dinner. :D

You old softie! Shauna knows how to steal your heart and keep it warm, doesn't she? ;)

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