Finally rode with stock screen

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Well-known member
Oct 26, 2006
Reaction score
Louisville, KY
I pulled off the rifle to see how the stock screen was, and was actually surprised.

I found in the down position, the screen was great.

No buffetting at all in the down position, put it up more than 1/4 of the way and it sucks.

There has to be a good portion of riders that stuck with the stock screen instead of upgrading?

Buffetting has been an issue to me after using the rifle touring (with tuning block) cee baily's w/flip (with or without tuning block) and the rifle sport (without tuning block).

It seems like it's impossible to find a good wind protection without buffetting. Probably something to do with pesky physics. Maybe I'll try me some of them helmet rumble strips (although they look silly)

I fully understand if this goes to NEPRT.

I've tried several screens on both generation FJRs. I'm back to the stocker, too. Even thought about "tuning" it or cutting it down. Man, is it hot or what? I need a face full of AIR!

Riding with no front fairing at all for a few months will make you reallly appreciate the stocker too.

I ride with the stock screen always down except in rain and when it's cold. Pop up the screen just a nothch and that blessed FJR heat will warm you up on a cool morn.

Skyways spacers gents, Skyways spacers

6'1" running the stocker for three years. But my bike ain't too hot, handles good, doesn't cup tires, hasn't tipped over, had a decent stock seat, has sufficient head lights, runs on 87 octane, causes erectile disfunction, 04 is still faster than those damn Blue, Tan?, Cherry offerings

But It has developed a tick. I suppose the Mobile 1, amsoil, dino jizz concoction that I drained out (and have yet to reinstall after 3,000 miles) may have something to do with it? :D


I just put my stocker back on tonight cause it's hotter than hell around here these days...

I may cut my CalSci down soon for an even lower option. should have been using whale jizz instead of dino and learn.

edit: .......and don't forget the seal seal oil is the best.

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No buffetting at all in the down position, put it up more than 1/4 of the way and it sucks.

I run the stock screen about 3/4 of the year (CB +4+2 for the winter). There's a sweet spot other than full down. I put 3/8" teflon washers as spacers on mine and it gave me a spot at about halfway up that blows smooth air right about the bottom of my face shield. Full down blows about sternum-high.

I like the stock screen all the way down. Its fairly quiet and smooth airflow. Also I like the way the bike looks with it down, sporty not like a barn door on the front of the bike.


Stock screen for summer, down all the way unless it's raining. Cee Bailey +2 for the winter with it up mostly when cold enough to need it. I find the screen is either all the way down, or all the way up whether the stock or CB is on. I have very little buffeting with either (depending on cross winds, etc), with / without pillion. I do find both will pull me forward somewhat when up though, the stock one seemingly the worse of the two. I'm 5"10"

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I ride with the stock screen always down except in rain and when it's cold. Pop up the screen just a nothch and that blessed FJR heat will warm you up on a cool morn.
Exactly the same for me.
+1 ...though I don't notice the engine heat help when its cold
Wheaton I find on cold days putting the screen in the fully upright position redirects the heat up over me. There is a noticeable change in temperature. Maybe you are wearing better gear than me and it shields you from the heat.

