My buddy just bought this used 2006 FJR1300 with the Auto Shifter. I have my own 2005 FJR. We've taken five rides and about 45 mins into each ride the engine suddenly dies. The "shift" light comes on. The bike won't start until after about 5 minutes or so every time. We've looked at the posts on ignition stuff, spider issues, kickstand, etc. We took the tank off and examined the wiring. No apparent issues. Yesterday it die again about 45 mins in to the ride and it started after about 5 minutes but then couldn't shift it into gear with the hand shifter or the foot shifter. He did put the kickstand down twice and kicked it up hard and it started. The kickstand wiring looks fine. After we get it running no issue again. Have not been on a ride more than 90 minutes yet. Could be so many things. Runs great otherwise. Anyone heard of "carbon build up" being and issue that would result in engine dying? Any direction would be helpful. Thanks!