FJR AE questions from FNG

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Jul 10, 2007
Reaction score
Mechanicsville, VT
First of all, great forums!! I've enjoyed lurking here thus far and am hoping I'll find the time to participate in frequent discussion... One problem I've noticed is that the search function doesn't like 2-letter search terms which, when trying to find info about the AE, is not all that convenient!

Anyway, to my YCC-S-related questions...

1. The dealer told me that there's basically no difference in maintenance costs between the A and the AE. True?

2. Can anyone tell me about storage with the battery disconnected? I generally pull my batteries for indoor storage over the winter and I wonder what happens if I need to move the bike. Will I be able to shift to neutral without juice?

3. Anything else I should be concerned with? Any other "cons" to AE ownership? I took a long test ride doing plenty of low-speed practice to see if it would be an issue... Totally NOT an issue. Plenty of downshifting to see if that would be an issue... Totally NOT an issue.

I know that RTFM is probably the most appropriate response to these queries but I don't have the FM yet!

Thanks, thanks, thanks,


Nope to all of the above, so far.

You cannot shift to neutral w/o power - So park in Neutral

Does not cost more to maintain (so far, 13K miles)

Nothing else to worry about
