FJR computer when traveling?

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Well-known member
Oct 12, 2006
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I will be taking several trips this summer and would like to take along a computer to stay in touch with work and also document my travels. I have to be able to download contracts and schematics with a big enough screen to easily see detail.

Does anyone know of a small computer that travels well?

You want a small computer with a big screen!?! I have an older compaq notebook which is small and lightweight which I'm selling. It has a detachable base that has CD and floppy drives. Without it its very small and light. However, it's an older machine and so I run Windows 98 on it and now XP or Vista.

If you want something small and basic, send me an email.


[email protected]

Yes, the Panisonic Tough Book is probably going to be the best.They are not cheap though,best look at a used computer store and get a warranty on what you buy. you can find them on Ebay but sometimes you dont know who you are dealing with. New they sell for around $2,000.00. GOOD LUCK, Ben

I take my macbook with me everywhere packed in a nice sleeve in my Givi Trunk. Never an issue in nearly 20k miles so far. Runs Windows if you must, and the screen's great. I do graphics and music on the road all the time.


Once you go MAC, you'll never go back. I love my Mac Book Pro! Best computer I ever owned. I travel with it weekly and go through airport security each day. No issues. It's durable and runs like a champ. Beats the snot out of Vista.

I will be taking several trips this summer and would like to take along a computer to stay in touch with work and also document my travels. I have to be able to download contracts and schematics with a big enough screen to easily see detail.
Does anyone know of a small computer that travels well?
I am software engineer and I travel several times of month between College Station Texas and New Orleans. I have always taken a laptop with me.

Lately, I have been traveling with my Sager 9262 (17" screen quad-processor monster)!

Just make sure the laptop is in a good padded case and will fit in whichever top case you select.

Best Regards,


+1 for Macbook Pro. I'm a PC user for last 15 years. Switched to Mac last summer in the middle of teaching a class and have not stopped kicking myself for not switching sooner. OSX is stable and just rocks.

This is almost like asking "What's the best bike?" Personally, I think this is a difficult one to answer. I have a old Toughbook M34. It's only a PIII with 256K of RAM. The screen is only 8.5 inches. Why am I using this old thing? Because it's built like a tank and travels very well. Good for looking at detailed schematics? Not likely. Mine is used primarily to route plan, check email and web browse. In three years and 50K miles nothing has broke.

Prices on CF-28's with 12 and 13 inch screens are pretty good right now. Look closely at the processor speeds and memory because they have varied a bit over the years.

Paul Peloquin

IBA #333

Monmouth OR

I've had no problems with the Givi C46/15.4" laptop combo ( I don't think the brand or OS is important ( hear that all you apple fanatics? ) ). What's important is to have compressible stuff below the laptop in the C46 and to have compressible stuff above the laptop also. That way, when the bounces occur, they happen with "soft g's" as the compressible material brings the laptop to a slower motion stop. Oh, and don't let the battery stay discharged for any long period of time, like a day's riding...

My opinion is that lots of folks buy expensive machines (mac and pc) without a hope of using half their potential. If you are joe user, buy a cheeper laptop that can run the software you need and get a good no-hassle warranty. Then strap it into a good padded bag and you're off and running. Use Consumer Reports or whatever ratings to narrow your odds and make it happen. I currently support (my crew anyway) 8000 business users on PCs and 100 or so macs for graphic/web work. If you want a couple names and/or specs let me know off-line and I will ask the folks at work who still know.

I used to study the heck out of tech things and now I just want it to work. Same for bikes... cept I still enjoy "the study the heck out of them first" bit. 14 hours and counting for the new 08.

I bought a Toshiba 12" for about$700, wrap it in a sweatshirt and carry it in the top compartment of my RKA tank bag-handy for coffee stops. Ian, Iowa

I am off to look at some small computers at the local store. Whiz kid told me they even offer one with a flash drive for people who travel and would recommend that for a bike. Hmmmm....flash drive instead of traditional hard drive....sounds interesting but I bet it's expensive. Will let you know.

best buy will be carryingthe eee pc in April. XP, 4 gig drive, 2 pounds, $499.

I just bought an Asus Eee from Amazon

am using it as we speak. I bought it for the bike and think it will be great. very small and does everythng I want to do. I just deleted linux and installed XP pro on it because I wanted to use it with my Garmin Zumo

am doing tweaks to XP to make it more like I want it to be. it is very small and very light. was 399 from Amazon and from what I hear they have a 9" model on the way.

I really like it

I just upgraded to a hp 14", bestbuy 699.00 , lots of memory and it will be the third one to travel in the givi 46 thousands of miles and no problems. Last year, my old computer was broken (my fault), so took my daughter's 17" gateway.

Someone has already said it, you can get a lot of puter for less than 700 dollars, and it willl become obsolete at the same rate as a 2000 apple unit. Not that they aren't cool. just overpriced.

I have to use a Panasonic Toughbook at work and absolutely hate it. They may be indestructible, but the keyboard is so tiny I have to type with the stylus. And screen resolution??? Fuhgedaboutit! I have to look at schematics on it all the time, and by the time I enlarge them enough to actually be able to read them, I only get a tiny piece of it on the screen. On the other hand, I just bought a real nice used 15" Toshiba Satellite for less than 200 bucks. Perfect size! Fits in my JCW trunk in its case like it was made for it, and the display is one of the most vivid I've ever seen on a laptop (that's what actually drew me to it initially, but I wasn't going to buy it unless it fit in the FJR trunk in its case). It came with virtually (no pun intended) no memory in it, but it takes super inexpensive 200 pin DDR2. I bought 2 Gig for less than 50 bucks and it flies now running XP. Worth a look IMO.
