I just now got a call from the friend who got me into biking. His call was from a hospital bed. He hit a deer on the Taconic Pkwy on his way to work. F$%&ing deer! I will understand more when the morphine doses decrease.Just to lend some credence to this theory -You had a single vehicle accident in a situation with dry conditions and with good weather. Doesn't matter that Joe Public was out for an afternoon stroll in your lane - the law requires that you be vigilent and be ready and able to avoid all obstacles. So unfortunately I suspect that you ARE going to be found to be at fault.
last Fall, I hit a deer a 65mph on a clean, dry, straight piece of highway. Nevermind the Kamikaze attack at full gallup from the woods and brush at stage right, nevermind the 300ms between appearance and impact, I got cited for failure to avoid a collision. It was a $120, and, more importantly, 4 point (out of possible 12 before revocation) ticket. Fortunately, the trooper followed up with his promise to make it go away in court and made it go away in court.
Your mileage may, hopefully, vary.