Well-known member
So, Today finally arrived, I have not slept well in three days waiting to get my New 07 FJR, after selling my motorcycle 3 years ago. Anyway, Here is how my day went:
So, We leave Dallas at 7am, my neighbor at DTS is giving me a ride and generally hanging out with me today, much thanks Christian. We get to Yamaha Sportscenter at 9:30 and I walk in and find Jerry. He takes me right out back to meet my new FJR. Man is she beautiful.
We go over the checklist (from this site) and everything is in order, then I go in and sign my life away. After that painful part was over it was time to visit the accessories department. I was in need of a helmet since I sold mine with my bike in 94. Everyone at Yamaha Sportscenter were really nice and helpful. So I got a tank bag and a tank protector while I was there
Then I realized I had forgotten my headphones, so I was off to take my new bike out for a test ride and a stop by walmart for headphones. I pull the bile around to the front and Christian hands me my Jacket. I put it on and go to eave, and I cant start the bike. :dribble: so now I'm embarassed because I think I've forgotten how to start a motorcycle and I've got to walk back into the store and ask for help. gulp. OK, so its been three years, I was a little worried about what I might have forgotten. Anyway the service guys come out with charger in hand (hmm, experience?) and jump the bike. They tell me it should be fine after I ride for a few min. Now, I'm worried that I'll stall her at the light and be *#&^#$. We'll I carefully rode to wall mart, found a cheap pair of headphones, borrowed a knife from a handy boyscout outside the entrance, and got ready to go. Wow, I felt like I was on a roller coaster, or flying a fighter jet. Coming from Crusiers, this this was like strapping a rocket engine to my backside. I was thinking to myself that this much fun can't possibly be legal, then I glanced down at the speedometer and saw I was doing 80 in a 40 and realised that this much fun was not leagal, so I slowed down, at least till I got to the freeway. Yea, I may have beet some speed regulation for a couple minutes. Basically, I just drove around for awhile, put 20 or so miles on the bike and then back to the shope for a quick oil change before the drive back to Dallas.
I met Christian in the parking lot and I was practically jumping up and down with excitement. :yahoo: I can't remember when I've had this much fun. So we go across the street to Schlotskies (sp) Deli and grab a couple sandwiches. By the time we get back my bike is done, and I settle the bill and we hit the rode for the drive back. I start out leading with Christian trying to keep up in his Accord. The first hundred miles fly by, except I'm a little rusty and my legs and but are out of riding shape. I forgot that this is actually alot more active than driving my wifes minivan. Anyway, I'm having a ball and varing the speed and rev ranges to break her in. When I see in the distance a wall of red taillights approaching. CRUD. We slow down, and come to a complete stop. Not a good sign as we have already been gone to long and I know Christian has as much studing to do as I do. So I see an exit and pull up and tell Christian to follow me, and we take off down the exit. We pull over and are discussing the merits of seeing if this road will get us from the 20 to the 80 or not, then we start noticing alot of cars pulling off and going down this rode, so we take off following the heard (not generally something I do) and guess what happens?? Anyone? You there in the back , yes you, Exactly right, the road turns to dirt. Now Im slowly making my way through this bumpy dusty road and cars are passing me and spewing dirt and dust all over me and my new bike. I was not a happy camper let me tell you.
This lasted for awhile and we finally come out at a freeway. Yea!! Except, wait a tic, its the 20 again. GRRR! So we get back in the long line, and this is really starting to harsh my buzz, when I see a mile marker and realise we just cut 8 miles off the backup and were only 2 miles from the 80! Sweet. All in well once more. So right before the intersection, the conctruction clears and the traffic starts moving again. We high tail it back to DTS and out waiting wifes. My wife runs out with her helmet and we go for a quick ride, down the road grab a quick coffee and back home where she had to watch someones kids for a bit.
I show the bike to my son (5 years old) and he gets a kick out of revving the engine and standing in front of the headlights. Then I go park it and run into the other FJR owner on campus. He congratulates me and we discuss farkles for a bit.
I get in, clean up my gear and sit down to write you fine folks and tell you about my day. Basically I kept looking down at the bike and thinking , I cant believe I'm riding an FJR!
This is like the best bike in the world. I can't believe I ever rode anything else. I can't believe how much fun this is. I thank God that I have been so blessed this year. Work has gone well, my daughter was born in Feb, My old job kicked in some dough so I could get a new Laptop (my first Mac) and my job agreed to get me an IPhone, and now, I tooling around on a brand New FJR. Yikes. I can't believe how much I have been blessed this year. Sorry, anyway, back to the bike.
The height (seat at lowest setting) seems perfect. The handlebars felt pretty good, although both my hands are sore and a throttlemister is prob. in the picture. My bum hurt a little, but there is no way I could afford a custom seat, so I'll just get used to this one, it is still much better that my VSTAR 1100 Custom. The power this bike has is really impressive. I was a little worried about remembering how to shift, or all the safty reminders everyone tole me about like, "Ok your coming off a cruiser, so this bike is taller, so be carefull, it is heaver, so be carefull. It is more top-heavy, so be carefull. It is much faster, so be carefull." Well, I was a little nervious after hearing all this for awhile. But let me tell you, after the second or third red light, I was riding the FJR like we were old friends. I love this BIKE!!
Oh, I forgot to mention that it was a bit cloudy, the temp was 80 degrees and it was a beautiful day. I just wish that this rain front that is currently descending on us and perhaps bringing freezing rain, would go away and let me ride my bike. But then again, I do have to get mucho studying done.
Anyhoo, thanks to all the good advice from you all and a bid Howdy to the Texas FJR riders. I prob. won't be able to come to the lunch tomorrow as I might have a date with the wife. And she just let me buy an FJR so, she gets whatever she wants!
Blessings to all,
So, We leave Dallas at 7am, my neighbor at DTS is giving me a ride and generally hanging out with me today, much thanks Christian. We get to Yamaha Sportscenter at 9:30 and I walk in and find Jerry. He takes me right out back to meet my new FJR. Man is she beautiful.
We go over the checklist (from this site) and everything is in order, then I go in and sign my life away. After that painful part was over it was time to visit the accessories department. I was in need of a helmet since I sold mine with my bike in 94. Everyone at Yamaha Sportscenter were really nice and helpful. So I got a tank bag and a tank protector while I was there
Then I realized I had forgotten my headphones, so I was off to take my new bike out for a test ride and a stop by walmart for headphones. I pull the bile around to the front and Christian hands me my Jacket. I put it on and go to eave, and I cant start the bike. :dribble: so now I'm embarassed because I think I've forgotten how to start a motorcycle and I've got to walk back into the store and ask for help. gulp. OK, so its been three years, I was a little worried about what I might have forgotten. Anyway the service guys come out with charger in hand (hmm, experience?) and jump the bike. They tell me it should be fine after I ride for a few min. Now, I'm worried that I'll stall her at the light and be *#&^#$. We'll I carefully rode to wall mart, found a cheap pair of headphones, borrowed a knife from a handy boyscout outside the entrance, and got ready to go. Wow, I felt like I was on a roller coaster, or flying a fighter jet. Coming from Crusiers, this this was like strapping a rocket engine to my backside. I was thinking to myself that this much fun can't possibly be legal, then I glanced down at the speedometer and saw I was doing 80 in a 40 and realised that this much fun was not leagal, so I slowed down, at least till I got to the freeway. Yea, I may have beet some speed regulation for a couple minutes. Basically, I just drove around for awhile, put 20 or so miles on the bike and then back to the shope for a quick oil change before the drive back to Dallas.
I met Christian in the parking lot and I was practically jumping up and down with excitement. :yahoo: I can't remember when I've had this much fun. So we go across the street to Schlotskies (sp) Deli and grab a couple sandwiches. By the time we get back my bike is done, and I settle the bill and we hit the rode for the drive back. I start out leading with Christian trying to keep up in his Accord. The first hundred miles fly by, except I'm a little rusty and my legs and but are out of riding shape. I forgot that this is actually alot more active than driving my wifes minivan. Anyway, I'm having a ball and varing the speed and rev ranges to break her in. When I see in the distance a wall of red taillights approaching. CRUD. We slow down, and come to a complete stop. Not a good sign as we have already been gone to long and I know Christian has as much studing to do as I do. So I see an exit and pull up and tell Christian to follow me, and we take off down the exit. We pull over and are discussing the merits of seeing if this road will get us from the 20 to the 80 or not, then we start noticing alot of cars pulling off and going down this rode, so we take off following the heard (not generally something I do) and guess what happens?? Anyone? You there in the back , yes you, Exactly right, the road turns to dirt. Now Im slowly making my way through this bumpy dusty road and cars are passing me and spewing dirt and dust all over me and my new bike. I was not a happy camper let me tell you.
This lasted for awhile and we finally come out at a freeway. Yea!! Except, wait a tic, its the 20 again. GRRR! So we get back in the long line, and this is really starting to harsh my buzz, when I see a mile marker and realise we just cut 8 miles off the backup and were only 2 miles from the 80! Sweet. All in well once more. So right before the intersection, the conctruction clears and the traffic starts moving again. We high tail it back to DTS and out waiting wifes. My wife runs out with her helmet and we go for a quick ride, down the road grab a quick coffee and back home where she had to watch someones kids for a bit.
I show the bike to my son (5 years old) and he gets a kick out of revving the engine and standing in front of the headlights. Then I go park it and run into the other FJR owner on campus. He congratulates me and we discuss farkles for a bit.
I get in, clean up my gear and sit down to write you fine folks and tell you about my day. Basically I kept looking down at the bike and thinking , I cant believe I'm riding an FJR!
The height (seat at lowest setting) seems perfect. The handlebars felt pretty good, although both my hands are sore and a throttlemister is prob. in the picture. My bum hurt a little, but there is no way I could afford a custom seat, so I'll just get used to this one, it is still much better that my VSTAR 1100 Custom. The power this bike has is really impressive. I was a little worried about remembering how to shift, or all the safty reminders everyone tole me about like, "Ok your coming off a cruiser, so this bike is taller, so be carefull, it is heaver, so be carefull. It is more top-heavy, so be carefull. It is much faster, so be carefull." Well, I was a little nervious after hearing all this for awhile. But let me tell you, after the second or third red light, I was riding the FJR like we were old friends. I love this BIKE!!
Oh, I forgot to mention that it was a bit cloudy, the temp was 80 degrees and it was a beautiful day. I just wish that this rain front that is currently descending on us and perhaps bringing freezing rain, would go away and let me ride my bike. But then again, I do have to get mucho studying done.
Anyhoo, thanks to all the good advice from you all and a bid Howdy to the Texas FJR riders. I prob. won't be able to come to the lunch tomorrow as I might have a date with the wife. And she just let me buy an FJR so, she gets whatever she wants!
Blessings to all,