FJR Rider: 1, FJR: ½, Turkey Vulture: 0

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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2006
Reaction score
Portland, OR
Can I replace just the mirror inserts, or do I have to replace all the metal too?

On my last day of returning from NAFO yesterday, I saw a group of birds picking apart a raccoon on the side of the road. I slowed a bit, and all but one flew up and away. The last fooker decided to go right, directly into my left mirror. Big guy too!

The glass popped out and shattered and the plastic housing inside broke, but there are screws that allow it to be replaced. However, on the parts fiche, all I see is the option to replace the entire mirror. Is it possible to replace just the glass and plastic??

Pics of bird (note the raccoon still in its mouth), and mirror:

(Click Image to Enlarge)

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Bird strike! (Your father would appreciate that...) Damned winged rats anyway!

Unfortunately, you've got to replace the entire mirror assembly. Yamaha doesn't sell the mirror insert.

Seems like the right time & a good excuse to put on the longer mirrors.
Agreed. It was certainly my excuse! :lol:

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Nasty, but lucky it wasn't worse. I got hit by a little brown bird the other day - no damage but a nice smear in the middle of my CalSci.

Why don't you consider switching out to FZ1 Mirrors - wider and pretty cool looking? See here (link is in Bin'O'Facts) :


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If I buy the entire assembly, can I switch guts? I don't want a "new" mirror on one side and the old one on the other side.

I saw Marty's (SockMonkey) FZ1 mirrors, but I really like the stocker's stalks better than the FZ1 stalks, so I think I'll stick with stock.

If the plastic is ABS you can repair it with MEK. (available in the paint dept. at your hardware store) Other types of plastic might require something else.

Any local auto glass shop should be able to cut a new mirror glass.

Might be worth a try anyway... :dntknw:

Just order the mirror assembly. They are not all that expensive anyway.

I would gladly give you the glass from my old one, but it's a right-side mirror. Turkey vulture took it out too. However, there was not enough of him left to justify any pics.

borrec is sending me his mirror with a faulty hinge (but intact glass) for the cost of shipping!! :yahoo: Thank you by the way!

I'm going to try to figure out how to successfully remove the glass and pivot hinge from his intact one and put it in my not so intact one.

I'm not gonna glue any of it. If this doesn't work, I'm just gonna buy a new one for $60.
