FJR Service Manual On Ebay - Anybody Bought One?

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user 711

Active member
Jul 26, 2005
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Seller rifbook has 15 copies of the FJR service manual on eBay,

item #7997442509

I'm thinking of getting one myself. The catch is, it is advertised as "an exact replica of the factory OEM type service manual". Wonder about the accuracy of the contents though. Anybody bought one yet?

Looks like he's selling the cover to me.
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
I had the same misgivings when I ordered mine, but it was a Yammy Workshop Manual allright. I mean, printed from the CD-ROM and bound.

I've used it for several months now. Nothing seems to be missing.


"The price of this manual is well over $280.00" WTF is he referring too? JB

Please. The only place you can buy official Yamaha Service Manuals is through Yamaha or thier authorized publisher. You guys are simply receiving stolen goods, no matter how good they make their knock-off copies.

This ass-clown selling his stolen goods is engaging in copyright violations. If you buy from him, you're participating, too. Hey, it's your karma......

I agree with WC; the factory manual is fairly reasonably priced for what it is and it probably better quality than any scanned copy. And by buying it you're not supporting a blatant copyright infringement.

Most cars are going with DVD based service information that you have to subscribe to for big bucks which keeps service information out of the hands of the DIY'er. We should support Yamaha for selling a paper manual to owners at a reasonable price.

BTW has anyone noted the errors in the wiring diagram in the back of the manual? All the sub-assembly call-outs (i.e., the numbers which identify each device on the bike) are wrong. You have to go back to the discussion of each sub-system in the electrical section to get the correct call outs.

- Mark

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