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They are interesting.  For instance riders leaned heavy on the rally bonuses.  Excluding tracking, rest, and call in bonuses there were a total of 1148 bonus stops made by the 70 riders whose score cards are available (one bad link).  Nearly 2/3 of those (718) were rally wide bonuses.  On average the Top 10 riders were half to 2/3 rally bonus stops, except Mike Brooke.  Of Mike's 17 bonus stops 15 were rally.

Since they leaned heavy on rally bonuses you can also get an idea of the riders routes based on the bonus codes - assuming the RM didn't throw some curve ball by referring to a NE bonus as AZ.  It looks like Mike picked up everything from UT west to CA then across the SW and southern states to FL and GA then north through KY.  He's got the mid Atlantic, NE, mid (incl IN curiously enough) and upper mid west an NW to play with.  He logged more miles than anyone doing so.  Can he keep it up?

Jim Owen picked UT then turned north picking up NV, ID, OR, and WA before heading across MT, the Dakotas, MN, and WI before turning south to pick up IL and IN on the way to Carmel.  So Jim has pretty much the NE and everything south to play with.  Jim posted the second most miles - 4600.  Does he have a history of maintaining that pace?

This is gonna be fun to watch.  I can't post the spread sheet but IM me if you want a copy.  I'll email it or post it somewhere.
