For sale 2006 FJR1300A

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Well-known member
Apr 24, 2006
Reaction score
I am selling my 06A w/3300miles. Comes with Matching blue top case, Wild Bills hiway pegs, throttlemeister, Audiovox CCS-100 Cruise control w/Skyway mount.

$12500 in Seattle

Email: [email protected]

I will call back asap

I just have to ask WHY?

I have a friggin yard ape on the way. :angry:
Congrats on the kid, they are great. Mine took me away from biking for a while too but you'll be back. :)

It's all good. If you can keep it, keep it but I understand too well the financial constraints of a newborn. But in reality, they aren't as bad as one might think. If it's your first it probably seems overwhelming.

Scratch that. So did my 2nd, 3rd and 4th ;)


:clapping: :clapping:


your excitement is contagious :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: In the future please try and contain your emotions a little bit!!!

I sense your disappointment and can totally relate. I had four "tricycle motors" over the course of 10 years and when the littlest one turned 18 it was time to get back to some of the stuff that I liked to do again.

I don't regret all of the things I missed and all of the good times with my bud's because of my daughter and three boys. I actually think that you get years added to your life if you are a good Dad and spend as much time doing the things that kids love to do. The soccer, baseball, sledding, skiing, camping and just playing games with them was awesome and I wouldn't trade anything for the experience.

I know that 18 years seems like an eternity at your age but seriously, it will happen in the blink of an eye...

Try and see the world through their eyes.

Congratulations, you'll soon be flienlow again

:) :) :D

I have a friggin yard ape on the way. :angry:
Congratulations... I can say from personal experience, raising my kids is infinitely more worthy of an endeavor than riding a bike... and would gladly give up the bike in a heartbeat if I had to make a choice. In fact, I basically did give up the potential ownership of a bike till my kids were of a certain age. Don't regret doing it for a second. Bikes will still be around in a few years once your life settles down a bit. Being a father is the greatest joy and biggest pain in the butt in the world... usually within the span of 10 minutes of each other. It's a wild ride, so hold on with both hands. I love being a dad more than anything else in the world, and kids really do grow up way too fast.

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I met Justin tonight. I was wrapping things up at Laurelwood, our reception hall & event center in Monroe, and I spot an '06 pull into the Monroe Post office. Of course, I HAD to pull into the lot to check it out... and voilla! there he was!

Beautiful bike with all the goodies. If I could figure out a way to sell my '04, Justin, I'd buy yours in a heart beat!

Thanks all!

Truth be told, I am really excited for the baby, but I am also buying a new house in the land of incredibly high real estate prices. I could (and probably should) keep the bike. I was just out on it today when I met stephen. However, with the other half not working, I want to keep myself in a safe position with regards to finances.

well, before you get rid of the scoot, catch your new north end buds and come across the ferry and have a tool around whidbey. i'll toss some burgers on the grill and tell you all about my six kids (yeah, six), and let you know SOME of what you're in for. i couldn't do it again, but i wouldn'ta missed it for the world. all of them are people i am proud to know and hang with.

i onetime calculated the hours i spent in bleachers and sidelines and waiting in the car at practice, rehearsal, lessons, you name it.... i fully intend to live long enough to be a burden to one or more of these guys...

it's the hardest and the most rewarding thing you'll ever do. just remember this one thing and you'll be fine:

they're not smart pets, they're small humans. :) expect more. be fair. be predictable and consistent. make sure the consequences fit the crime. whether you start out with the class whizz kid or a late bloomer, know they'll turn out OK if you just love 'em and treat 'em like a best friend. have fun.



well, before you get rid of the scoot, catch your new north end buds and come across the ferry and have a tool around whidbey. i'll toss some burgers on the grill and tell you all about my six kids (yeah, six), and let you know SOME of what you're in for. i couldn't do it again, but i wouldn'ta missed it for the world. all of them are people i am proud to know and hang with.
i onetime calculated the hours i spent in bleachers and sidelines and waiting in the car at practice, rehearsal, lessons, you name it.... i fully intend to live long enough to be a burden to one or more of these guys...

it's the hardest and the most rewarding thing you'll ever do. just remember this one thing and you'll be fine:

they're not smart pets, they're small humans. :) expect more. be fair. be predictable and consistent. make sure the consequences fit the crime. whether you start out with the class whizz kid or a late bloomer, know they'll turn out OK if you just love 'em and treat 'em like a best friend. have fun.



Thanks Shu-

BTW- I just flew over you last Saturday when I flew into Roach Harbor. Beautiful country! Completely worth a ride.


My bike is sold (tears welling up in the eyes.) I'll miss this one!


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