Fork Brace - MCL

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R.I.P. Our FJR Riding Friend
Jul 5, 2005
Reaction score
Orangevale, CA
In Moby's "I can't ride" thread I mentioned that I didn't get my fork brace yet although it was shipped on the 29th of August. Well, when the mailman walked up this afternoon he handed it to me. COOL!

It took me all of about 5 minutes to complete the project. I went out not really expecting to feel a difference. I figured, "Why would people put out bikes that really needed this?"

Once again, and it happens often, I was wrong. This time I was happy about being wrong. The difference is noticeable in casual maneuvers and funny enough, most noticeable right as I turn into the lean, putting pressure on the forks for the first time in the turn.

POW! It feels solid and straighter. I don't know exactly how to explain it, but the difference is real and I like it.


EDIT: Oops, actually the differnce was most noticeable when I drove over the curb to get into my driveway...

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How was it to put on? What about the stock shields? Are the MCL ones big enough, or did you mount them together magically?

I ordered mine over the weekend to get the sale price. Expecting it next week, just in time for my ride to Key West for the Poker Run (with all the Hardleys).


In Moby's "I can't ride" thread I mentioned that I didn't get my fork brace

Just as i was reading your message the UPS guy knocked. I thought it was going to be from MCL, but it wasn't. It was however the book that I ordered "Smooth Riding the pridmore way". There was a write up in cycle world about it a while back and since i've got the time i might as well read up. Has anyone else read this one?

I ordered mine last Friday for the sale, It came yesterday and I put it on this morning. I'm just waiting for a termite inspector :angry03: and then I'm going to test it on the Yosemite ride.

Wow, mine came this afternoon and I spent a nice loooonnnngggg hour and a half putting it on.

Really would have taken only a few minutes, but why be quick and rush back inside to the screaming kids and nagging wife?

Anyway, put it on easy-peasy. Nice construction and beautiful finish but I am a little concerned about the weight. Thoughts on this are appreciated.

I am going to spend another loooonnnngggg hour and a half putting on the shields tomorrow. If I can figure out a way, I will include the stock units.

MCL: you should have made yours MUCH taller to mimic those of the stockers!!

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Will try it out tomorrow - looking for the difference!


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