Freaking Hot

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2007
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N Las Vegas, NV-- Phx, AZ
Almost!! So I mounted my new Fancy Dancy Left hand control GPS on the RHS of my bike today. You know some times having a clutch would be nice. Instead I had to mount it to the Brake handle bracket.

So I decided I now need to go someplace and try out my new toy. So off I go. When I took off it was only a mere 106F lucky for me it finally warmed up. Nothing like the a nice warm 111F breeze to make a good day of riding. I kept forgetting that I had the GPS though, may have been heat stroke not sure. I did play with the buttons while riding so that was a hoot.

Just thought I would share.

Oh ya I stopped and looked a 08 also but the guy knew nothing about it or the 07 that was identical to the one I rode up on. Anyway it was black and sorta pretty. It had a clutch and a place to put my GPS. I almost traded mine in for that alone.

Ok, Rob, ya got the gps now you need to get a fan mounted up on the other side to keep from baking while cruising the strip. I know I've been cruising there at midnight and it still was 100 deg......go figure....... ouch.... :blink: :blink: . Take care, PM. <><

I've ridden in some 100F heat.. not fun, like riding in a f'n hair dryer! Then again, I'm Canadian anything hotter than 85F is nearly a national emergency.

I've ridden in some 100F heat.. not fun, like riding in a f'n hair dryer! Then again, I'm Canadian anything hotter than 85F is nearly a national emergency.
LOL You and me both! My wife is from Texas and she's been complaining about how "cold" it is here in Connecticut. It's 24 degrees C outside - that's *perfect*! :)

Sure 111F is hot and I have been to Vegas. I think it was 116 when I went there. It is nothing like 100 degrees in Texas when factoring in 90 - 100% humidity.

Awwww, stop your whining! WHAAAAAA :cry: Try the valley of the sunstroke AZ. :dead: Its Monsoon season here now, that means there a 20% chance of rain that for some reason I never see. Its 111, every day and humid (DRY HEAT MY ARSE!). All the free ways are black. It does get down in the 90's at 4am so theres your big opportunity to almost enjoy a ride. As much as it sucks we do have the other 9 months of the year to cruise in comfort though.

Nothing like the a nice warm 111F breeze to make a good day of riding.
Sweet Baby ain't Hell but I bet you can see it from there... :(

Yeah..........but isn't it a dry heat?????
Ya a dry heat. I Like that. So like go into your kitchen, Turn your oven to 450 and put your head in it for 20 min. That's a dry heat too.

Awwww, stop your whining! WHAAAAAA :cry: Try the valley of the sunstroke AZ. :dead: Its Monsoon season here now, that means there a 20% chance of rain that for some reason I never see. Its 111, every day and humid (DRY HEAT MY ARSE!). All the free ways are black. It does get down in the 90's at 4am so theres your big opportunity to almost enjoy a ride. As much as it sucks we do have the other 9 months of the year to cruise in comfort though.
I moved here from Queen Creek. Love those 50 mile rides to get to the start of the run for Tortilla Flats. Have to get gas or you can't make the round trip. Then this time of the year it monsoons on your way home so you get to ride in the Heat, Rain and 90 MPH wind that is full of Palm Tree Froms.

Give ya's something to ponder: last year a heat record was established-Dubai IIRC. A 105 temp, at 95% humidity meant a 172 degree heat index. Don't imagine a lotta bikes on the road that day :eek:

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Give ya's something to ponder: last year a heat record was established-Dubai IIRC. A 105 temp, at 95% humidity meant a 172 degree heat index. Don't imagine a lotta bikes on the road that day :eek:
And yet there were. I was in Dubai, Kuwait, Saudi and Iraq all last year. Was a bit warm. But if you follow a globe around from Phx AZ to Iraq you find that they are almost equal distance for the Equator. So the weather and Temps are very similar.

But yes it sucked..And not in a good way.

It was 113 before noon when Jenny and I went through Barstow and Needles on our way to Kingman a couple of weeks ago. the 100 it was in Kingman felt downright cool after that. Of course, it wasn't as bad as when I went through Bullhead City a few years back at a nice toasty 122. I'll never make that mistake again.

Give ya's something to ponder: last year a heat record was established-Dubai IIRC. A 105 temp, at 95% humidity meant a 172 degree heat index. Don't imagine a lotta bikes on the road that day :eek:
Heh. The redhead & I were in Charleston this month and took a mule-drawn carriage tour. There was a sign in the barn that said if the humidity + the temperature was greater than 180 they suspended tours. It wasn't that bad when we were there, but it sure as hell felt damned close.


Fan Hell!! I am looking into a Window AC unit for it. I will lose visibility but man will I Be Cool!
Just remember this weather in december. While most of us will be stuck inside due to snow/ice you'll be out and about telling us how great it is to be there.

I ride now even if it's 95 and equal humidity,I'll enjoy everything before winter takes it away. -2F w/o windchill is too fucking cold for to go 60mph.

It was 113 before noon when Jenny and I went through Barstow and Needles on our way to Kingman a couple of weeks ago. the 100 it was in Kingman felt downright cool after that. Of course, it wasn't as bad as when I went through Bullhead City a few years back at a nice toasty 122. I'll never make that mistake again.

My son and I were in Needles last year in August. Nice that time I was in a cage with A/C!

Now, my question is.... why would anyone live there? There's more out on some of those two lane farm to market roads (don't know what they call them there) than there is in Needles!

But I did ride thru the Mojave one July (no idea what the temp was) cause I didn't stay in a Holiday Inn....<BG>

I guess the bike stayed cool enuf, I never noticed what the bars said! <G>


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