Let me offer some generic numbers. I chose Gerbing for jacket/pants/gloves; mid pack radar detector, typical grips and a high rate USB port. Heated gloves AND heated grips?
Garmin GPS 18 watts 1.5 amps
Gerbing Jacket 77 watts 6.4 amps
Gerbing Pants 77 watts 6.4 amps
heated grips 40 watts 3.3 amps
gloves 20 watts 1.7 amps
radar <6 watts <1 amp continuous
USB <6 watts <1 amp continuous
If everything is turned on at once and run at 100% power you would be drawing 244 watts. A Gen I might give you 100 watts at >4k rpm but way less at idle. A Gen II may give you ~200 watts at 4k rpm. If you have a Gen I, a higher output stator like an Electrosport sounds like a good idea but expect it to only last about 50k miles. Short stator life is what you get when cramming an extra 100 watts out of the stock location.
Loose either the gloves or grips. The USB will draw almost nothing unless something is plugged into it. Find out what your heated gear really draws.
Get a volt meter, hook it directly to the battery and be sure that it stays 13.2 volts or higher. Consider adding LED conspicuousness lights and a tail light brake flasher.
All the power passing through the FZ-1 is coming from the single battery wire, it won't make any difference if the items are on the switched or unswitched fuses. The only difference would be when you forgot to turn off something that was coming off an unswitched fuse. Then you will wish you had also installed a charger pig-tail off the battery