G2 Throttle Tamer and OEM heated grips for '07?

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Jul 20, 2009
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This may be a stupid question. I've been thinking about buying the OEM heated grips for my '07 FJR. I purchased the bike used and seem to recall that the previous owner had installed a G2 Throttle Tamer. Would this present a problem for installing the OEM heated grips?

It shouldn't. The G2 is a different profile cam. The grips connect to the cam. They should work the same.

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I wrapped high temp cloth tape on the tube. It insulates heat conduction into the bars and protects the heating element.

I think the tube has knurling on it? I didn't have OEM heaters, but it should be the same.

You shouldn't have any problems as the OD of the G2 will roughly match the OEM plastic tube. As mentioned the G2 does have a knurled finish so be quick with the glue, hairspray, etc when you slip it on.


There is a trick in this question. It is my understanding that the oem heated grips are a different length than the standard oem un-heated grips. You might need a different G2 tube - the one specified for the AE - since the AE came with heated grips that tube is the proper length. I have also read that the oem heated grips have a throttle tube installed at the factory. This needs to be removed. There is a previous thread in which the poster crushed the stock tube to extract it. I have not pulled the trigger on heated grips for my 06 - I have been over thinking the grips vs gloves debate.
