Garauld Backrest mount question

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Well-known member
Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
Orlando, FL
Garauld/Gary's picture shows the backrest mounted behind the bracket, but I mounted mine in front of the bracket.

Does it matter?

It seems like the tension from pressure to the backrest would be the same either way. Mounting in front eliminates the edge, and moves the rest forward about a half inch.

Any other reasons that it should be mounted on a particular side of the rack bracket?

Reference pictuers:

In the picture, Garauld shows the backrest mounted in BEHIND of the rack bracket:


I mounted mine in FRONT of the bracket:




I've got one of Gary's racks (great, aren't they?) and I pondered the same thing. I settled on putting the rest behind the bracket.

I've forgotten most of my college physics but I think it might be a tad stronger as Gary shows it. My thinking is that when mounted forward, pressure directed toward the aft of the bike (all I assume we care about) would tend to bend/shear the bolts. When mounted behind, pressure on the backrest would have to pull the bolts lengthwise a bit and I'd expect them to be stronger in strain (tension) than bending.

Shouldn't be a big deal either way - as Gary says, you don't want to rely on it for much more than comfort for your pillion. I wouldn't lose sleep over it.

Then again, what the hell do I know. I think I got a C in EK-304 (Mechanics of Materials).

I have the same one and really like it! I have the backrest mounted in front, because the half inch forward made the wife more comfortable. I like my wife close to me, you can make your own choice, LOL. I really like being able to leave the "rest" off, as well as the side bags, and just run the rack!
