Garmin 2730 Questions

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Well-known member
Jan 21, 2008
Reaction score
Santa Fe , NM
We just went up and back to Santa Fe in my wife's cage (540i) and I took the oppertunity to check it out. Two questions:

1) How does it calculate the arrival time? The initial average speed on the display was about 55 MPH and the arrival time to SF was like 11:39 PM. I reset the display while on the move and it immedately had the average speed up to 70 MPH or so (she was driving, I was goofing around with the Garmin). However, the arrival time did not change. The arrival time did correspond to a hand calculated 70 MPH. The trip computer in her car estimates arrival time based on the average speed and changes depending on speed and stops. The BMW computer changed the arrival time a lot, the Garmin hardly changed at all, even when we stopped for gas. But they both converged at our actual time when we arrived. How does it figure the arrival time?

2) Is ther any way to get the 2730 to display the name of towns along the way without zooming all the way in? I finally got rid of the lakes and rivers that were always there but, at a range of 30 miles or so, I still could not get the towns to display.

1) I can't tell you the exact formula, but I think two components that figure heavily into the calculation include your displayed moving average and historical moving average. I've found that after long rallies (like 11 days for the IBR) it had a value that tended to be more optimistic than my recreational riding suggested....regardless of whether I reset the trip or not. It seemed after a couple combined days of riding that it went back to it's old ways....and then found in my next multi day rally (8 days of SPANK) the first several days were pessimistic.

I have no scientific basis for any of this...just my observation and having spent a LOT of time with Betty the Bitch talking in my ear.

2) Likely yes. Under one of the more buried setup options you can specify some details about how town, small cities, large cities, and other classes of landmarks are displayed. It may be under the distance setting about how far away you display it...or maybe under the more general setting of "Detail Level". If you set More or may get that stuff, but at the expense of a slower refresh rate.

Again, something I don't remember exact details to get to, but in our turbulent relationship Betty and I discussed this option quite a few times on the open of which was I-40 between OKC and Albuquerque. ;)

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Did it seem to you that each time she had to "recalculate" she became ever more annoyed with it? By the second or third time she seemed genuinely put out about our constant stupidity. I almost expected her to give a "huff" before saying "recalculating"

Absolutely. She got so lippy once I was forced to change her to Karen the Australian Tart for a couple of states. ;)

Almost like having ones wife with you!

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2) Is ther any way to get the 2730 to display the name of towns along the way without zooming all the way in? I finally got rid of the lakes and rivers that were always there but, at a range of 30 miles or so, I still could not get the towns to display.
Ok, how'd you manage that? I thought I'd been through all the settings I could find and couldn't get that little bit of unhelpful information to go away. I'd /much/ rather know that I'm about 10 miles away from the town of Springfield than knowing that's the Springfield Reservoir over there in the distance.

As the Igmeister said, there's some weird black magic gremlin sittin inside that black box figurin out how to calculate this shite. The unit seems to use pre-assumed speeds for various highways, but then adjusts for actual use.

All I know is after White Pine Fever (can you say 2,000 miles in 24 hours?), my 2730 calculated arrival times waaaaaay too optimistically. It took a while for it to be back to 'normal'.

All I know is after White Pine Fever (can you say 2,000 miles in 24 hours?), my 2730 calculated arrival times waaaaaay too optimistically. It took a while for it to be back to 'normal'.
I can't seem to pick four responses to pick from.

  1. Heh. :rolleyes:
  2. You're stoned. Nobody can do that.
  3. I'm gonna tell your Mom....and the NHP.
  4. Yeah, but what did Eagan do?