Garmin Mapsource - Finding Intersections

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Well-known member
Nov 11, 2005
Reaction score
Fair Haven, NJ
Hi all,

I just received my 2610 a couple of days ago and have been just playing around with it and the accompanying Mapsource software.

I updated the MS to v6.9.1 and the 2610 firmware to 4.60. I can't say I'm too impressed with the MS software, but the thing that is really bothering my is I'm having trouble finding intersections. Normally this wouldn't be such a big deal, but I'm trying to follow along various threads here and elsewhere discussing good roads and ride locations, and often intersections of various roads are mentioned.

For example, in the area just north of the Delaware Water Gap, I-84 intersects with "Hwy 402" for example, at what appears to be Exit 30. When the cursor is over them, I-84 is displayed as "I-84" and Hwy 402 as "Hwy 402". I open the Find Places dialog, select the Intersection tab, then find and select each of the 2 highways exactly as above, as the Street selections. Hitting "Find" button results in No Items Found.

What am I doing wrong?

Sorry for the long-winded explanation, and thanks for any help.

I had the same trouble with my 276C. My problem was that I didn't have the right maps loaded into the data card memory. The 276C holds a lot of information in its permanent memory, and I could zero in on certain streets, but trying to locate them by using "Find" didn't bring them up.

I ended up calling Garmin's Tech Support, where they explained the difference. If the map containing the area where you want to search for something isn't loaded into the data card, all that's available are the basics, like the streets you were able to look at, but not search for.

If you have data cards, trying loading the map that contains the intersection, and see if it finds it with the map in memory.


Thanks, but that's not it. I should have clarified that I'm having problems with Mapsource on the PC, not on the unit itself. And I do have the necessary detailed maps loaded.

Just a thought...make sure that the detail maps in the Mapsource program on the PC are unlocked. If they are you can always call Garmin tech support, they are excellent.


I have been using mapsource for years. I think the problem may be that MS definition to an intersection is when two roads physically intersect. like Main Street and Winter street.

Because, in your example, Rt 402 is an exit off I84 it is not a true intersection according to MS.

What you can do on MS is create a waypoint at Rt 184 and 402 then d/l that waypoint to the gps and navigate a route "via waypoints" basically stringing along numerous waypoints to make a trip (route).

hope that helps


What you can do on MS is create a waypoint at Rt 184 and 402 then d/l that waypoint to the gps and navigate a route "via waypoints" basically stringing along numerous waypoints to make a trip (route).
hope that helps

Thanks -- I'm not sure if that helps bennyb, but it does help me. I didn't realize MS defined intersections in a slightly different way than the rest of us. I've had a lot of trouble with finding intersections even when the right maps are loaded, and sometimes have to tell the GPS to find some other nearby intersection instead of the actual one I wanted, and it's usually when I'm looking for numbered highway intersections.

I probably need to get more familiar with how Garmin describes things, I know from the beginning that their way of thinking is very different from mine. I'm learning in bits and pieces. :)

I think Speedfreak might have nailed it. I've found some other intersections, obviously, but those with ramps off Interstates are dicey. More experimentation needed...

The "waypoint" solution is what I have had to resort to when installing/planning a "route". If you don't make a waypoint, when you begin to scribe the route, the MS program will reroute to a prescribed direct route rather than the one you are planning (i.e., I plan rides in the Sierra Nevada Mtns, and without the waypoints, the MS system will route me to a city I am trying to bypass on secondary roads.).
