Gas costs got you thinking differently?

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Some call me... The STIG!
FJR Supporter
May 23, 2007
Reaction score
Orange County, CA
Who has recently due to fuel costs bought a new bike or car to save money? Or really changed their driving habits?

I'm no Mr. Green but I hate spending green backs $$ for gas. I commute each day on the FeeJ and get about 40mpg, fill up once per week, taking almost 5 gallons of fuel and costing just under $20. Now mind you, I used to only take under $10 to do this a few years back.

My wife drives an Urban Assault Vehicle (UAV) a Chevy Suburban. We loved this car, all the kids fit in it and room to spare for a few friends. The car has been excellent to us in maintenance and reliability, but the gas was killing us. I'm sure many of you drive further, use a large truck or vehicle etc, for work and spend far more. But we couldn't justify spending almost $100 every other week in fuel for my wife to cruise around town.

The UAV is a large brick and liability right now out here in SoCal, I was shocked to see what they are asking for them at dealers and private party. They are selling at too low a price, there is a glut of them on the market, no one wants them due to the fuel costs, so it's really bad if you have to sell a large gas guzzling vehicle right now. If fuel continues to rise I'm sure it'll even get worse. Many places are selling UAV's under wholesale KBB.

Soooo, we just traded in the UAV and got a nice little Chevy Malibu. It's sporty, gets far better mileage, and is built very well. The Corolla's to us were like driving in a tin can, no offense to those that own one. They do however get a few more MPG than the Malibu. We got a fair price for the UAV from what we paid for it, although I was hoping for more, but we'll save well over a grand per year in fuel and that's at $3.50/gallon. As gas rises, the savings is greater. I wish it would go back to $0.99/gallon, but that's a joke.

Anyway we made the jump and hopefully we'll do better in fuel costs.

I'm really lucky in that I get to fill up at least once a week using the company gas card. That has helped a ton. Otherwise I have cut back a little bit, but nothing really noticeable. I will ride the bike as much a I can once it warms up, but I would do that if gas was at $0.99 a gallon.

That's how I got the wife to give in and let me get the FJR in the first place!!

She was giving me a hard time about how much money I was spending in gas for the S10 (17 mpg...60 mile round trip on side freeways) and I was just being a smart a$$ and told her that the savings in gas would just about make the payments on a new(er) bike. next day we were looking at bikes!!

surprised the heck out of me!!


<_< Double it and you have what we pay! Gas pumps over here have a new slot on the side now, it accepts the shirt off your back!
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My gas payment now exceeds my car payment. I'm starting to pass the cost along to my clients, since that's where most of the gas gets consumed.

<_< Double it and you have what we pay! Gas pumps over here have a new slot on the side now, it accepts the shirt off your back!
My consumption habits have not changed.

While on a trip abroad 3 years ago, I made the mistake of complaining to three Englishmen about US gas prices (oh how I was so naive about how high fuel costs could go :rolleyes: ). After their responses, I learned a valuable lesson ... NEVER talk to a European about fuel prices! ;)

Now I just remind myself about how things could be worse.

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<_< Double it and you have what we pay! Gas pumps over here have a new slot on the side now, it accepts the shirt off your back!
My consumption habits have not changed.

While on a trip abroad 3 years ago, I made the mistake of complaining to three Englishmen about US gas prices (oh how I was so naive about how high fuel costs could go :rolleyes: ). After their responses, I learned a valuable lesson ... NEVER talk to a European about fuel prices! ;)

Now I just remind myself about how things could be worse.

While European gas prices are high, they are also HIGHLY taxed. That is the reason gas is so expensive there.


<_< Double it and you have what we pay! Gas pumps over here have a new slot on the side now, it accepts the shirt off your back!
I really feel for you guys in Europe, I just don't know how you manage to pay those prices.

Back on topic, I just went to a dealership last night to trade in my Ranger 4.0 for a 33mpg Cobalt SS. I love my truck but with a commute of 500 mi/week I just can't justify keeping it.

Who has recently due to fuel costs bought a new bike or car to save money? Or really changed their driving habits?
I'm no Mr. Green but I hate spending green backs $$ for gas. I commute each day on the FeeJ and get about 40mpg, fill up once per week, taking almost 5 gallons of fuel and costing just under $20. Now mind you, I used to only take under $10 to do this a few years back.

My wife drives an Urban Assault Vehicle (UAV) a Chevy Suburban. We loved this car, all the kids fit in it and room to spare for a few friends. The car has been excellent to us in maintenance and reliability, but the gas was killing us. I'm sure many of you drive further, use a large truck or vehicle etc, for work and spend far more. But we couldn't justify spending almost $100 every other week in fuel for my wife to cruise around town.

The UAV is a large brick and liability right now out here in SoCal, I was shocked to see what they are asking for them at dealers and private party. They are selling at too low a price, there is a glut of them on the market, no one wants them due to the fuel costs, so it's really bad if you have to sell a large gas guzzling vehicle right now. If fuel continues to rise I'm sure it'll even get worse. Many places are selling UAV's under wholesale KBB.

Soooo, we just traded in the UAV and got a nice little Chevy Malibu. It's sporty, gets far better mileage, and is built very well. The Corolla's to us were like driving in a tin can, no offense to those that own one. They do however get a few more MPG than the Malibu. We got a fair price for the UAV from what we paid for it, although I was hoping for more, but we'll save well over a grand per year in fuel and that's at $3.50/gallon. As gas rises, the savings is greater. I wish it would go back to $0.99/gallon, but that's a joke.

Anyway we made the jump and hopefully we'll do better in fuel costs.
So you spent how much to save about 85 bucks a month of gas money?

If your payment didn't change much, then on month to month, I can see it. But it takes a long time to actually recover the difference in gas costs.

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So you spent how much to save about 85 bucks a month of gas money?
I was gonna say the same thing. I just run my old (fully paid off) cars into the ground and live with whatever mileage they get. It's way cheaper than buying some new fuel efficient model. My '97 Exploder w/a 302 V8 gets shitty mileage. But it's paid off 5 years ago and the insurance and taxes are dirt cheap on a 11 year old SUV. Yeah it costs $70-80 to fill it. So what?

So you spent how much to save about 85 bucks a month of gas money?
I was gonna say the same thing. I just run my old (fully paid off) cars into the ground and live with whatever mileage they get. It's way cheaper than buying some new fuel efficient model. My '97 Exploder w/a 302 V8 gets shitty mileage. But it's paid off 5 years ago and the insurance and taxes are dirt cheap on a 11 year old SUV. Yeah it costs $70-80 to fill it. So what?
I agree in some cases, but not others. I'll be saving about $200/month in gas and making the same payments, so I'll be making out for the next 2 1/2 years. It's unfortunate, but many have to pay a long term price in order to make ends meet today. My choise was to trade in the truck or sell the bike....I'm NOT selling the bike! :yahoo:

does anyone know if it is true that "most of the oil from the alaskan pipeline goes to japan" to pay off loans ???? Why aint they paying off the country rebuild after the bomb?

Question #2 ,,, I heard the best grade U.S. pine goes to china so they wont cut down the stuff that panda bears eat. A contractor told me that,,,,, cant dispell. Let em eat same as dinosaurs.

Who knows who owns the mineral rights to their own property, I dont,,, (I / we could be jedd clampit ). And how can you find out in an urban setting?

I know I could tap water in 40 ft (here), they put a law against it to supply your house. Guess I'll drive a point down & hand pump thru basement if water gets scarce..

Just something to ponder (about mineral rights), if illinois has loads of coal, would it have oil?

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does anyone know if it is true that "most of the oil from the alaskan pipeline goes to japan" to pay off loans ????
Question #2 I heard the best grade U.S. pine goes to china so they wont cut down the stuff that panda bears eat. A contractor told me that,,,,, cant dispell.
We were sending most of the Alaskan oil to Japan as it was more profitable for the oil companies to do so- I think when it became more common knowledge they upped the % headed south for P.R. . Panda's eat bamboo, but we were also sending a lot of wood that way as well.

does anyone know if it is true that "most of the oil from the alaskan pipeline goes to japan" to pay off loans ????
...don't have a clue....

Question #2 I heard the best grade U.S. pine goes to china so they wont cut down the stuff that panda bears eat. A contractor told me that,,,,, cant dispell.
...if I remember correctly Pandas eat bamboo, not fact there was one home improvement show I watched where the folks had to remove a bunch of bamboo that had overtaken their back yard. There was a crew from the local zoo that cut it down for them so they could use it to feed the pandas.


$98USD to fill my freakin tank in France 2 weeks ago, and it was a small Opel! I'll never bitch or moan about gas prices in the US again.

Back to the main question.....

I drive a lot less. Use to drive 12-14k per year, last 2 years averaged 7.5k. No more trips on my day off, get stuff on the way home from work.

Planning on some lite home remods this summer so I will be more comfy at home and in the back yard.

Also using a lighter foot on the accel helps. My GMC sierra 4wd gets a little over 16+ in mixed driving. More in warmer weather.

I have my ex girlfriends Tercel sitting in my driveway. That will go into use as soon as I invest $400-$600 to repair the front end after she kissed the rear end of a PU :blink:

Next year I'll be cry'in as they are proposing a $6.00-$7.00 roundtrip toll on the Evergreen Point Floating bridge to help pay for the new bridge that won't be done till 2018 <_<

The FJR which I bought for recreation, will be the main mode of tranport. Also just passed on a low mileage Guzzi Lemans as I thought it made more sense to save some money :rolleyes:

Just when I think things are getting dismal, I see how other people live in the world and I really can't justify bitching about it much.....


My math may be fuzzy, but I figured the cost of a set of tires every 8,000 miles into the total expenses per mile, as compared to the cost/mile of an auto tire & mpg. The bike doesn't save me much more than a car, especially since I can only ride about 7-8 months per year, when you add the tires. Actually it might cost me more per mile.

Throw in a per person per mile factor 2 up and the bike comes out ahead.

I guess...


My math may be fuzzy, but I figured the cost of a set of tires every 8,000 miles into the total expenses per mile, as compared to the cost/mile of an auto tire & mpg. The bike doesn't save me much more than a car, especially since I can only ride about 7-8 months per year, when you add the tires. Actually it might cost me more per mile.
Throw in a per person per mile factor 2 up and the bike comes out ahead.

I guess...

It's the mental savings I worry about....If I think I'm doing good by......... :blink:

...Who knows who owns the mineral rights to their own property, I dont,,, (I / we could be jedd clampit ). And how can you find out in an urban setting? I know I could tap water in 40 ft (here), they put a law against it to supply your house. Guess I'll drive a point down & hand pump thru basement if water gets scarce..
Go down to the courthouse and check the tax rolls. The government taxes mineral rights just like they tax everything else...

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