#$%^$%* (gas prices)--HI-Way-Robbery

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Well-known member
Apr 11, 2006
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Middle, TN
Dayum! IMO, when it comes to gas prices the folks of CO are getting their clocks cleaned. Was there this past week. The further west in CO I traveled the higher the price of gas. The most expensive I saw topped out at 3.49 $/gal :shok: for 87 octane. That’s about 60 to 70 cents/gal more than its recently been selling for locally.

Wondered if they have a heavy state tax on it, but later saw it priced at about 3 $/gal in Denver.

Anyone besides maybe CA having to pay more than 3.50 $/gal?

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Big Sur CA was $4.67 a gallon for 87 octain. 50 miles south it was $4.99 for 87 octain. This was last Sunday btw. Standard freeway prices around here are running $3.40ish with cheap stations chiming in about $3.20. It's all supply and demand (and alot of greed)

Paid $3.749 in middle-of-nowhere Oregon last weekend. Most stations out in the sticks were running between $3.60 and $3.70...did get to ride some awesome roads though. So in the end, I guess it was worth it.


Jebus, quit'cher bitchin'! About time the rest of the country starts paying up! Oh, I paid 3.179 today for regular. Prices have dropped 40 cents in the last month.

$2.63 on the way to work this a.m. :rolleyes:

Seeing that we are the poorest state in the union...........our cost of living is the least......in some ways it's best to be last........if that makes any sense :blink:

shhhhhhhh :secret:

dont tell anybody.............but I kinda like it here: me, my wife, our dog and our own little 7 acres :yahoo:

$1.119CAD/litre for 87 Octane here in Victoria, BC. That's $4.039USD/USgal. So much for the perception that gasoline is way more expensive in Canada.

Prices have dropped 40 cents in the last month.
As crude prices have climbed! Go figure.
Part of that is the change back to summer blends. Also, I'd imagine a certain amount of capacity has come back on-line (several west coast refineries were shut down or 'capacity limited' for, um, 'maintenance and upgrades'), as well. Of course, someone prolly realized that the amount of profit taking would look kinda, um, funny to consumers.

IMO, when it comes to gas prices the folks of CO are getting their clocks cleaned. Was there this past week. The further west in CO I traveled the higher the price of gas. The most expensive I saw topped out at 3.49 $/gal :shok: for 87 octane

3.49? You found a frickin' bargain. :angry2:

Clean Diesel is going for $2.85 which works well in the Jetta TDI which I get about the same gas mileage as my FJR. 87 Octane is going for about the same. NC as some of the highest state gas taxes in the SE - $.29/gal! :blink:

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Let's hear what the Brits have to say about our gas prices. Last time I looked, they were paying around $8 per gallon AND they have to ride in the rain most days too (but they have some pretty cool roads).


Gas here on the Front Range jumped from 2.90 last week to 3.20 this week. Augh.

E85 is still 2.30. We need flex fuel bikes.

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I like to play devils advocate, don't get me wrong, I hate paying the high gas prices as well as all of you. I have a feild service job and fill up my car every other day. Thats 3 fills a week at 40+ bucks.

I read this somewhere, and I am only passing this along, But with normal inflation over the last 20 years, gas should be pushing well over 6 bucks a gallon here in the US. Gasoline is the single product that has not followed the normal trends of inflation. I have absolutly no data to back this up.

I'm not complaining that the house i bought 8 years ago is now worth 3 times what I paid for it....inflation is a funny thing. It effects everything, even gas.
