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Geelong Carbon Craft

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I'm confused - Just ask my Wife.
FJR Supporter
Oct 16, 2005
Reaction score
Orange, CA

I'm not certain this is in the correct place- please move it if you deem necessary. Thanks.


Back in May, I posted my experience with the Geelong Carbon Fibre tank protector system for my 06 Geelong Clicky, and indicated that I had a problem with the fit on the band portion.

I wanted to update all of you on my experience since then -

I contacted Kim in sales at Geelong, and she sent me a roll of the double-stick adheisive tape that is used to affix the panels to the tank. I removed the panel, cleaned it up, and re-installed it, ONLY TO HAVE THE SAME RESULTS!!! (due, no doubt, to my lack of ability to follow instructions, :blink: but darnit, logic doesn't necessarily match those instructions !!! )

At this point, I contacted Kim again, and received the following email response:

Hi Hal

Thanks for the email and the photo’s. Phil is a bit busy at the moment but if you can hang on until early August, he will fly out and fit it for you. I am not joking and no I am not being factious. He will contact you a couple of days before coming to your place. Does this sound OK with you? He will bring some extra tape with him.

Let me know what you think.

Kind regards


:huh: :huh: :huh:

And so how's that for customer service? eh?

So at this point, I reply back:


Kim, just a reminder, I live on the west coast of the U.S. - does Phil know this? And I would certainly hope that his trip wouldn't be just to fit this on my bike - I'm going to assume that he is planning on being here anyway?

Am I doing something wrong? Perhaps due to my limited ability to follow instructions?

(just ask my wife, she'd agree with this statement ! )

If Phil wants to meet up with me to do a fit, that's fine, I'd be happy to meet him, however - I would insist upon buying him dinner !!

Cheers !


And Kim replys back:

Hi Hal

I thought I might confuse you. Yes Phil and his wife Mary are going on a business/holiday break in August to Canada and the USA and they just happen to be going to California and will be staying within your vicinity. We just thought it would sound like great customer service if we made it sound as if he was coming over just to do your tank protector!!! They are going to be visiting Boeing in Seattle to try and source some carbon fibre as it is getting extremely scarce due to a world shortage – thanks to Boeing and their big planes!!

Phil and I were discussing this yesterday and he mentioned that as he will be going to some places quite near where you are that he might as well drop in and sort out your little problem. I believe we have your telephone number which was on your original order so he will probably contact you a couple of days prior to visiting you.

I wish I was coming over myself but someone has to stay here and hold the fort so to speak. Unfortunately travelling with the boss is not one of the perks of the job!

Kind regards


To make a long story short -

I met up with Phil and Mary (owners of Geelong) for dinner, and afterwards, Phill removed the panel, cleaned up everything, and re-installed it with fresh tape. And it's perfect. Fits correctly, and looks great !!!

Phil is a long-time rider, and has been working with carbon-fibre for decades - starting with boat hulls.

Mary is very much his wife and partner, running the business end of the show.

Great folks - wonderful to visit with, and beautiful products.

Phil let me know that he's working on a fender extender, stator cover, and hugger for the 06.

And so, I gotta say I am a happy camper- I can honestly say that I've never had anyone fly trans-pacific to fix my problems !! ;)

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Whatta great post. They sound like good people to deal with....and your writing style "tickles my funny-bone". :lol:
