Gen 2 Fork Cartridges Worn Out

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Well-known member
Sep 5, 2005
Reaction score
Creston, CA
What a POS the FJR platform is. After 160k+ miles, the tech's at GP Suspension are recommending I replace the cartridges at next rebuild time.

The question is do I find some used ones or have one of the other aftermarket suspension companies replace the stock units with their own design. IIRC, Traxxion sp? replaces the cartridge assembly?


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Yes, they do


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The price for the AK-20 Kit ranges from $1099.95 to $1299.95. For more information on the AK-20 Axxion Cartridge Kit Click Here.
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Yikes! Lotta cash for a fork re-do.

Anybody "service" their forks every 12-15k miles? I might do fork oil and general cleanup every 30-40k miles and consider bushings/seals if I have a leak that doesn't seal-mate successfully. (Once in 100,000 miles) Maybe I need to get a professional job done on them? (Stock except for upgraded springs)


The cartridge body is a fairly crude part. I'm not sure how it would "wear out" unless the inside diameter has been hogged out by all the miles with dirty oil and rough fitting rebound valve inside

I would suggest finding a used set of forks with low miles and snag the cartridge bodies. Even if the fork legs are tweaked the cartridge bodies should be OK and you can reuse your old damper rods and the rest of the forks

Since you are going to be replacing the cartridges maybe it is time to step up to the 25mm piston kit and then you would be the coolest kid on the block. Nah, forget that. Throw those POS OEM forks in the trash and put a set of Olhins inverted forks on that puppy. Now you would the Farkle King and definitely be the coolest kid on the block. Even Richard would be impressed.

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Maybe you could find somebody that installed AK20's and has their old, low mileage stock gen2 cartridges just sittin' in a box up in British Columbia ;-)

Silver Spirit, AK's was the first thing I did to my gen1 and I agree with your entire post.

The cartridge body is a fairly crude part. I'm not sure how it would "wear out" unless the inside diameter has been hogged out by all the miles with dirty oil and rough fitting rebound valve inside

I would suggest finding a used set of forks with low miles and snag the cartridge bodies. Even if the fork legs are tweaked the cartridge bodies should be OK and you can reuse your old damper rods and the rest of the forks
160k+ miles?

Since you are going to be replacing the cartridges maybe it is time to set up to the 25mm piston kit and then you would be the coolest kid on the block. Nah, forget that. Throw those POS OEM forks in the trash and put a set of Olhins inverted forks on that puppy. Now you would the Farkle King and definitely be the coolest kid on the block. Even Richard would be impressed.
Only if a set of Galfers SuperBike rotors was involved too..

Yamaha wants $300 per cartridge, give or take. I'll find a wrecked bike. Hell, KrZy8 already rides with a transplanted engine from a crash kat, replacement radiators (2x) one from Extreme Marine crashed ride, a new brake pivot assembly, also from EM, so what the heck, me n' KrZy8 be the recycle king!

Find the used dampers and then spend the $300 on the valve upgrades (compression and rebound) from GP. They screw right onto the stock damper rod and cartridge after you remove the stock valves. No other fiddling around, and they flat out work. Might as well get the right springs for your weight is you don't already have them. Replace the upper and lower bushings while you are in there (and leave out the middle one) and you'll have "better than new" forks.

One of the 25mm cartridge upgrades would be very nice if money were no object, but with my plan you'll spend less than half of that and end up with nearly the same performance.

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One of the 25mm cartridge upgrades would be very nice if money were no object, but with my plan you'll spend less than half of that and end up with nearly the same performance.
Yabut it"s Carver's money we're spending here. You are such a killjoy Fred.

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Great idea Fred, great minds think alike.

I already have the valve stacks and springs from GP Suspension in the old, worn forks.

The tech said run what I have for now - but next time put the new to me cartridges in with existing GP valve stacks.

A nice fjrforum peep has contacted me via PM for possible sale of his no longer used, 30k mile old 2011 cartridges. I checked, the part number is the same from 2006 an 2011. I'm hoping this deal works out. Either way, I really appreciate the fjrforum peep for PM'ing me with the possible deal. I won't rat him out cause it's a PM. If he wants to self-identify, that's coolio too!

This forum, warts and all, is still dah bomb!
