GEN 3 - Mirror Extenders

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Yes, R, that certainly is the plan, hence the reason for my post. It's a poll to the community to see if anyone else had issues and if they resolved it. It's the resolution that I'm hoping to learn from.

Have any issues with your mirror locations seeing behind?

ecoyne, I think you missed Richard's subtle hint. You really could benefit from the advice we gave when you signed up. Do a little searching and you'll see that mirrors have been talked about many, Many, MANY, MANY, MANY times. It's not unique to the 2013. Look around a little and YOU come back and tell us if the FZ 1 mirrors work for your 2013 since YOU are in the unique position of being about only 1 of 6 people with one. Here's your opportunity to be a forum contributor!

Thanks on behalf of the forum.

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I'm not here to participate in piss and vinegar matches with the user base. I spend the majority of my online time using forums seeking assistance for issues I am experiencing, or giving assistance when I am able and qualified.

I'm not fortunate enough to own FZ1 mirrors or of course that would have been my first step, as I want to be a happier rider more than any other. A few members of the user base have older gen FJRs and purchased 2013's as well from the posts I've followed to date. There are not many, many, MANY mirror questions specifically regarding the Gen 3, so I inquired. Maybe one of the other 5 members that are owners experienced the same issue. I know it's a long shot, but am hopeful anyways.

I certainly will reply back when I learn more, hope others do as well.

0049! I posted in your original thread that I brought her home... Coming from my 05, it's a totally new bike to me, and unread and appreciate all your experiences you share with this community as well, especially being new to Fjr's... I had an 05 from April 12 until I picked up my 2013 3 weeks back.

Thanks kindly for the links, and lane splitting is something I have to greatly consider when it comes to extensions... Thanks for the headsup!

another thing to think about is Heli risers, as they sit you up more i find that the mirrors are not really an issue for me.


I did use heli's on my 05 and loved them. I'm considering ordering those as well.

I do have broad shoulders, so anything I can do to pull them in a bit and is a bonus. It did help on my Gen I.

I actually like the fact my shoulders and elbows block part of the mirrors. If I want to see behind me, I just tuck in a tad or lean over. This is especially good at night when I want to block the headlights behind me. It's still just as easy to get a better look and I don't have bright lights blinding me.

I am assuming the OEM position between Gen II and Gen III is the same. I could live with stock mirror position on my Gen I. And I thought it was ok on the Gen II at first. Then I installed the Heli risers triple tree and garauld's aux light brackets with the Hella FF75 lights and I see more of my arms and shoulders. I am not happy. Looks like I may have to try the Twisted Throttle extenders.

So Richie, what is your opinion? Will the FZ-1 mirrors and Twisted Throttle extenders work on the '13 with the recessed mirror mount?

I installed the sw-motech mirror wideners for my '08 and really like them. Since my bike is black, you really don't even notice them and I have a much better view of what's behind me.


I installed the sw-motech mirror wideners for my '08 and really like them. Since my bike is black, you really don't even notice them and I have a much better view of what's behind me.


Excellent. I wonder if they will work with Aux light brackets? Looks like they should.

Given the Gen III mirror mounts being recessed, I think the light brackets would have to go between the mirror and extender. WIth that extra amount of torque, I can see bad things eventually happening, no matter how light the aux lights are.

As I see it, additional spacers will be required to fill in the fairing recess so the brackets can be sandwiched adjacent to the cowling. If necessary, longer screws can be used to attach the whole shabang to the subframe. I'm working with Dale and Fairlaner on these and to come up with a new bracket design.
